Norfolk Wildlife Trust and National Highways announce biodiversity boost
Norfolk Wildlife Trust and National Highways have joined forces to launch a new Network for Nature programme, with three projects that will improve habitats across Norfolk, benefitting people,…
Roadside Nature Reserves
Accessible nature reserves
New report highlights climate risks to Norfolk Wildlife Trust nature reserves
A new national report published by The Wildlife Trusts shows that society must take fast action to adapt to the impacts of the climate crisis and be prepared to see nature and wild places change…
Nature Reserve Guide - Cley Marshes
We are looking for volunteers to act as Reserve Guides at our flagship Cley Marshes reserve on Saturdays.
Shared vision revealed for Norwich nature reserve
We have revealed the emerging long-term vision for our newest nature reserve, Sweet Briar Marshes.
Momentum grows for new Norwich nature reserve
Plans for our new city nature reserve, NWT Sweet Briar Marshes, are taking shape following the end of the first stage of community engagement.
Nature Reserve Guide - Holme Dunes
Are you a keen birder and would you like to share your knowledge and enthusiasm with others? Then this role is for you!
August on our nature reserves
Reserves Officer Robert Morgan shares his August musings, and reports on rare sights from the Broads and the North Norfolk coast.
May on our nature reserves
Reserves Officer Robert Morgan talks through the latest activity on our reserves
East Winch Common
East Winch Common is a wonderful relic of the once great heathland that spanned North Norfolk.