Slow worm by Mark Ollett 1/10
Slow worm at Lound by Derick Stolworthy 2/10
Adult slow worm at NWT Buxton Heath by Tabs Taberham 3/10
Adult slow worm at NWT Buxton Heath by Tabs Taberham 4/10
Slow worm at Wymondham by Gillian Iceton 5/10
Slow worm in compost heap by Gillian Iceton 6/10
Slow worm at Wymondham by Gillian Iceton 7/10
Slow worm with violet ground beetle by Tabs Taberham 8/10
Slow worm at St Olaves by Jayne Woodcock 9/10
Adult male slow worm at NWT Buxton Heath by Tabs Taberham 10/10

Slow worm Anguis fragilis

The smooth and shiny, snake-like body of the slow worm is fairly distinct and differs from British snakes as it has a body which does not taper at the neck.

Conservation status

Like other British reptiles, the slow worm has declined. Habitat loss has played a major part. Slow worms are being squeezed out of their natural habitat because of human development. Persecution by humans is another factor that faces the slow worms. Being mistaken for a snake may mean they are killed, even though it is a criminal offence to kill or injure any native British reptile.

Related questions & advice

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Did you know?

Another traditional name for the slow worm was blind worm.

When attacked by a predator slow worms, like other lizards, will discard their tails hoping to escape while the predator is distracted by the still wriggling tail.

How to recognise
Where to see
When to see
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