Species data
Species Recovery Framework
Species recovery
On the lookout for lichen - 5 Norfolk species and how to find them
With help from county recorder, Robert Yaxley, we explore 5 Norfolk lichen species and share some tips on how to find them!
December moth
This fluffy moth is one of the few species that fly in winter.
NWT Sweet Briar Marshes - Introduction to invertebrates
Join us as we explore the lives and wonders of our insect friends at NWT Sweet Briar Marshes
Globally rare frog to benefit from new Norfolk habitat
We are leading a partnership to protect and expand ancient landscapes in the Brecks to enhance the habitat of the rare northern pool frog.
The Lost Ponds: Reinstating Ghost Pingos
This project will aim to bring 14 lost ‘ghost’ pingos back to life; improve our understanding of pingos through citizen science; and disseminate best practice to ensure effective conservation of this unique resource; better understand the distribution of pingos within the Brecks; demonstrate how to re-instate ghost pingos and share learning related to pingos to a range of audiences.
Puss moth
The puss moth is a large and fluffy moth, with a very strange looking caterpillar.
Brimstone moth
The brimstone moth is a yellow, night-flying moth with distinctive brown-and-white spots on its angular forewings. It frequently visits gardens, but also likes woods, scrub and grasslands.
Fox moth
The large, fluffy caterpillars of this moth are often seen in summer and early spring.