Tern magazine survey
An introduction to bats and NWT survey work in the Trinity Broads
Join NWT Trinity Broads warden Eilish Rothney for an illustrated talk about these fascinating creatures.
WyNG Day of Butterflies - Guided walks and butterfly survey with Wymondham Nature Group at Toll's Meadow
Explore butterflies at Toll's Meadow.
Wildlife consultancy
My fascination
Hi, I am Arun, a volunteer and marine champion for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust. Since I was 11, I have been completing Shoresearch surveys with the Trust to monitor the species…
Western Link threatens probable largest barbastelle bat colony in UK
If the Western Link for the NDR were to go ahead on its proposed route, it would drive through what is likely to be the largest known 'super-colony' of barbastelle bats in the UK,…
My research
Throughout my internship, I am contributing to marine conservation by assisting with marine mammal research in Cardigan Bay, collecting data on marine mammals from land and boat-based surveys, and…
Population of UK's tallest bird hits record-breaking high
The population of Common Cranes, the UK's tallest bird, has hit a record high according to the latest breeding survey results.
Wild Volunteer – Thorpe Marshes
We are looking for volunteers to help the wildlife of NWT's Thorpe Marshes through assisting with habitat management, to increase our knowledge of wildlife on the reserve through assisting…
My classroom
Passionate about the oceans and the diverse life that they hold, Bex is lucky enough to be able to teach scuba diving to university students at Plymouth University. This provides her with the…
My regeneration
30 years ago, if Jeremy had fallen in the river then he’d have been more worried about being poisoned than drowned! A 1980s trawl survey found just one fish in the Billingham reach of the Tees,…