Bluebells at Foxley Wood by Rita Leggett 1/8
Bluebells at Heydon by Rob Peacock 2/8
Bluebells at Heydon by Rob Peacock 3/8
Bluebells by David North 4/8
Bluebells, Spixworth Park, Neville Yardy 5/8
Bluebells, Fakenham, David Rose 6/8
Bluebell, NWT Foxley Wood, Brendan Joyce 7/8
Bluebells by Paul Woodhouse 8/8

Bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta

The true native bluebell is a scented deep blue/purple flower, which hangs down from the arching stem. This common favourite ought not be confused with the foreign species of bluebells.

Conservation status

There are still woodland areas where the plants may be found in quantity, but there have been significant thefts of bluebell bulbs. The introduction of the non-native muntjac deer is causing many problems as these animals are partial to eating bluebell leaves, eating them to the ground in some cases, and trampling them. The rapid spread of foreign bluebells, including the Spanish bluebell (Hyacinthoides hispanica) and the hybird Hyacinthoides x massartiana, is also a problem as they are more vigorous than the native species with which they also readily hybridise.

Related questions & advice

Are there any wildlife friendly plants I can grow between the cracks of my patio slabs?


Did you know?

Bluebell bulbs produce an extremely sticky substance which was once used to stick pages in books, and feathers on arrows.

How to recognise
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When to see
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