Beech, Catton Park, Norwich, Neville Yardy 1/3
Beech, Felbrigg, David North 2/3
Beech leaves, David North 3/3

Beech Fagus sylvatica

Historically, the native beech only reached as far north as Norfolk; now it can be seen throughout the UK due to it being planted. Because of their stately appearance, beech trees were planted in large numbers in the grounds of many private estates. Beech wood is one of most durable and commonly used woods for woodwork.

Conservation status

Widely planted. Some experts believe that the native beech is at its Northern limit in Norfolk. The beech tree is not believed to be a threatened species.

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Did you know?

Beech trees may live for 250 to 300 years.

How to recognise
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When to see
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