Sweet Briar Marshes: The project

Aerial image over Sweet Briar Marshes

Aerial image over Sweet Briar Marshes (credit: Shaun Lawson)

Sweet Briar Marshes: The project

Visit Sweet Briar Marshes

Close to the centre of Norwich lies Sweet Briar Marshes: 90 acres of fen, rough meadow, grazing marsh, old hedgerows and young woodland, full of incredible wildlife. 

This uniquely wild place and its sensitive ecology – including a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) – was in danger of being lost forever. We launched a public appeal in 2022 to save it and thanks to enormous support from funders, the local community and our loyal supporters, were able to take the land into our ownership later that year. 
Long-term NWT supporters, Aviva, generously pledged up to £300,000 in match funding, helping to complete the public appeal to purchase Sweet Briar Marshes just four months after it was launched.   
We now have the chance to restore its biodiversity and enhance it for people and wildlife alike. 

Locals are looking at mini sculpture designs of Sweet Briar marshes

Sweet Briar marshes - landscape architects family event (credit: Denzil Dean)

Sweet Briar Marshes: A shared vision

Those who live close by Sweet Briar Marshes are key to helping us ensure the reserve works for nature and people. We have been working closely with local people, groups and schools to encourage them to share their ideas about what they want to see on NWT Sweet Briar Marshes as well as investigating how they would like to be involved with this amazing wild space in Norwich. 

Find out more about our vision

Our appointed landscape architects SheilsFlynn worked alongside us and the local community to jointly create a vision for the future of Sweet Briar Marshes.  
Sketches, maps and design ideas show how the reserve could evolve over the next few years. Some of the ideas will be dependent on planning permissions, a more detailed design process and consultation.  

Concept design plan

Concept design boards

To understand our long-term vision for the site:

Download the full concept design boards

Share your thoughts

What do you think of our ideas for Sweet Briar Marshes? You can let us know by emailing: wild@norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk