Media centre

A man stands behind a professional camera on a tripod in a field, while another man walks in front of the camera

ITV Anglia film NWT spokesperson for an environmental news piece (credit: Rachael Murray)

Media centre

Journalists are welcome to contact our media team with enquiries or to request interviews. Please get in touch and provide details of your enquiry, your name, contact information and deadline.


We check this email address daily from Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.

Phone: 01603 625540

Our latest news

Filming at NWT nature reserves

As well as being havens for wildlife, our nature reserves' stunning landscapes offer the perfect location for a variety of filming and photography projects.

Hollywood blockbusters, TV programmes, wildlife documentaries and fashion photoshoots have all featured the wildly unique backdrops offered by Norfolk Wildlife Trust's sites. We have played host to a wide range of projects, from wildlife film makers looking for bitterns and marsh harriers, to history experts exploring Norfolk's rich past.

Get in touch

If you have a film or photography project you'd like to discuss, drop us a line.

For more information and to see our Location Agreement, email or phone 01603 625540.