Hickling VC cropped (credit: Jimmy King)
Gift Aid

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Gift Aid is a quick and easy way to increase your donation to Norfolk Wildlife Trust at no extra cost to you.
Here’s how it works.
Norfolk Wildlife Trust is a registered charity, which means we can reclaim the tax on your membership subscriptions and donations directly from HMRC, if you pay UK Income or Capital Gains Tax.
This means for every £1 you donate, we can claim an additional 25p from HMRC through Gift Aid – and it doesn’t cost you a penny!
If every one of our members and supporters who pay tax signed a Gift Aid declaration, we could claim back more than £200,000 of tax per year, which would make a huge difference to our vital conservation, restoration and education work.
Submit your Gift Aid declaration online
If you’d rather send us your Gift Aid Declaration by post, please download a Gift Aid form and send it to: Norfolk Wildlife Trust, Bewick House, 22 Thorpe Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR1 1RY
Registered Charity No: 208734

Visitors at NWT Cley Marshes visitor centre (credit: Frederic Landes)
Your declaration must include your full name, home address and postcode.
Once received, we can claim Gift Aid on your donations until you let us know otherwise. We can also include any donations you have already made in the last four years. If this doesn’t apply, you can delete this line on the form.
If anything changes
If your situation changes, please notify us. This includes situations such as:
- Changing your name or home address
- Cancelling this declaration
- If you no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains
Higher rates
If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.
Not making a donation today?
If you are eligible, you can still sign a gift aid declaration to cover past and future payments. Simply complete the form and indicate that it should apply to all your donations (including a start date if shorter than the four-year period), then return it to us so we can claim on any donations you have made in support of Norfolk Wildlife Trust.