Families and children

A child is smiling whilst looking at an interpretation board about pond dipping

Child and pond dipping interpretation board (credit: Frederic Landes)

Families and children

How wild is your family?

Being in nature makes people of all ages happier and healthier. We are passionate about helping families and children to connect with Norfolk's wildlife and wild places - whether through family-friendly events, exploring our reserves and visitor centres, or finding exciting activities to enjoy at home.

Two children are smiling and standing in a woodland with bluebells

Children in bluebells (credit: Tom Marshall)

Help us to protect Norfolk's nature for the next generation

By becoming a member of Norfolk Wildlife Trust, you'll be helping us to care for Norfolk's wild spaces - now and in the future. As thanks, you'll receive free entry to all our nature reserves and visitor centres, Wildlife Watch membership for your children, and many more perks and goodies.

Find out more about family membership

Family events