Volunteer at Strumpshaw Tree Festival (credit: NWT)
Put the fun in fundraising!
Whether you are organising an event in your community, taking part in a personal challenge, or wearing wellies to work, you can help protect Norfolk’s wildlife.
You can raise money for NWT in lots of ways: from cake sales to canoe rides, raffle draws to fancy dress days, in groups or by yourself. We’re happy to help and give you tips on how to run a successful fundraising event.
Contact our fundraising assistant, Tess, to talk about your planned event or for tips, templates and sponsorship materials.
Email tessw@norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk
Phone: 01603 625540
Or take a look below for opportunities to get involved.
Get involved

Wymondham Local Group event at Wymondham Abbey (credit: Nicola Cooke)
Join a local group
You can also raise funds by joining our local groups, whose members regularly raise funds through events to help support Norfolk’s wildlife.