
A bittern creeps through reeds and water

Bittern stalking through reeds (credit: Jamie Hall)

A wilder Norfolk for all

We're working to protect Norfolk's wildlife and the wild places they call home.

We have been protecting and restoring Norfolk's wildlife since 1926.

Today, Norfolk Wildlife Trust manages over 60 nature reserves and other key sites for nature across the county. With the help of our supporters, we create, maintain, and protect habitats which nurture a thriving variety of wildlife, including some of Norfolk's rarest species. We are dedicated to inspiring more people to connect with and take action for nature; through visiting our nature reserves, volunteering, or joining us as a member

Bluebells bloom in front of a fallen tree. The image is overlaid with the words Stop the Western Link

#StoptheWesternLink graphic (credit: Ian Ward)

Norwich Western Link

Despite warnings from wildlife experts, Norfolk County Council have submitted a planning application for the Norwich Western Link Road. 

The planning consultation is now open and everyone who cares about nature can have a say. 

Add your voice to our e-action

Catch up with us...

Roseate tern

Roseate tern Â©Adam Jones

Watery marshland at NWT Cley Marshes, with golden reeds in the foreground and a windmill in the background, with a flock of birds flying across the sky

NWT Cley Marshes in early morning sunlight (credit: Elizabeth Dack)

A volunteer is looking out onto the Broads with her binoculars

Volunteer at Trinity Broads (credit: Matthew Roberts)

What's on

A pair of juvenile long-tailed tits sit on a bramble branch

Long-tailed tits (credit: Gillian Thompson)

Our annual photography competition is back!

Have you taken an amazing photo of wildlife or a wild place across Norfolk? Our nature photography competition is free to enter and open to all ages, with the winning images set to form our 2025 Norfolk Wildlife Trust calendar and feature in an exhibition at NWT Cley Marshes. You could even win a pair of ZEISS Conquest HD binoculars or a ZEISS Secacam trail camera!

Send us your snaps