Wildlife consultancy

A badger against a grassy background

Badger (credit: Bertie Gregory/2020VISION)

Wildlife consultancy

Norfolk Wildlife Services (NWS) is a consultancy business offering a comprehensive range of professional ecological and arboricultural services.   

If you are preparing a planning application or have already submitted one, and need to provide an independent ecological (e.g. protected species) or arboricultural impact assessment, we can provide this service efficiently and effectively. 

The NWS head office is in Norwich and our services are provided throughout Norfolk and across the East of England. 

Ecology Services 

  • Ecological Impact Assessments  

  • Protected species surveys – for example, but not limited to: bats, newts, badgers, water voles, otters and reptiles. 

  • Protected species mitigation licensing (bats, badgers, great crested newts, natterjack toads) 

  • Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA) 

  • Habitat surveys 

  • Habitat Regulations Assessments (HRA) 

  • Biodiversity Net Gain assessments 

  • Habitat management plans

  • eDNA surveys

  • MoRPh Modular River surveys
  • Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) 

Arboricultural Services 

  • BS5837 Arboricultural Impact Assessments and Tree Asset Plans 

  • Tree Protection Plans 

  • Arboricultural Method Statements (mitigation plans) 

  • Hazard tree assessments/tree safety surveys 

  • Arboricultural Clerk of Works (ACoW) 

Ecologist wearing a helmet with a light on it crawling into a cave

NWS in a cave (credit: NWT)

Meet the NWS team

Find out more about the team

Contact Us

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