Wildlife calendar

May is the most exuberant month in Norfolk’s wildlife year. Living things are loud, and bri...
June is perhaps the finest month for finding flowers in Norfolk and is certainly among the best t...
By July many of the warblers which arrived in the spring are raising their second broods while un...

Rest of the year

August August August
It’s always a surprise in August, when summer still feels as if it...
September September September
If the wind is in the north-west, early September can be the best time o...
October October October
Among birdwatchers, October is a favourite month as it’s a great t...
November November November
Amazingly, as trees lose their last leaves and many mammals and insects ...
December December December
As the year closes there is still plenty of wildlife to see in the Norfo...
January January January
January is the month for new resolutions, so why not resolve this month ...
February February February
Hard though it is to believe, February sees the first stirrings of sprin...
March March March
The steady trickle of spring gathers pace in March.  In hedges and ...