Once again, Poringland Community Centre was a hub of conversation and celebration for the south Norfolk Claylands community at our second Wilder Connections conference. This year, we invited landowners and community groups to the stage alongside our keynote speakers, bringing everyone back together at the end of this 18-month pilot project and giving them the chance to share results, achievements, and ways in which their living landscape has grown and thrived.
The event opened with an inspiring talk by our guest keynote speakers Argus Hardy and Patrick Barkham, who came to celebrate the achievements of the Claylands landowners and communities. Beddingham Hall Farm, John Cole Farm, Old Hall Farm, Stoke Holy Cross, Burston and Shimpling, Roydon and Diss were just a few hub landowners and communities discussed, with some going on to share first hand experiences of how their lives and lands have changed over the course of the project.
One of the first local stars of the project who came to the stage was Earsham Estate who have made incredible leaps and bounds in pond restoration on their land. Prior to the Claylands project, 98% of their ponds were overgrown, had low levels of oxygen, and lacked biodiversity, but now scrub clearance, dredging, modifying and even digging invasive plants out by hand has greatly improved the ponds across the estate. 40+ ponds have also undergone surveying, with a plan to continue this programme of restoration and management to ensure these vital habitats remain in good nick!