Running for NWT: Salena Dawson

Running for NWT: Salena Dawson

Salena is running the London Marathon in 2023 and is raising money for NWT! Read as she shares her experiences and show her some love and support on her Instagram page if you can.

I run so therefore I am a runner. I say this now with confidence, as I have spent many years not quite believing that by putting on trainers, pootling outside the door and entering the odd half marathon or indeed parkrun actually makes me a runner.

I am not a spring chicken; I am not a gym bunny. What I am is a 50-year-old who goes out to walk or run a few times a week to clear her head with the hope that it maintains my health and fitness. Every now and again I like a challenge and so year in and year out I have registered for the London Marathon Ballot knowing only 17,000 are chosen from the 350,000 ballot entrants. I never really believed my time to take part would arrive.

However, on 24th October 2022 I opened my emails as usual and there waiting in my inbox was mail from TSC London Marathon asking me to "Check Your Ballot Result?", this being the new modern way of telling runners they have secured a place. I clicked and was transported to a page with visual of confetti falling and big words saying "Congratulations Salena You Are In!"

A woman wearing sports clothes holds a medal to the camera and smiles, in front of a crowd of runners

Salena with her medal after completing the London Marathon (credit: Salena Dawson)

Shocked, I let out a little expletive and then nervous excitement overtook my senses. I made a quick calculation of how many weeks there were until the April 23rd Marathon and noted I had enough time to start a good training plan in the New Year. I then rushed to register my place, book a hotel before all the other successful candidates beat me to it and let family and friends know, most of whom although happy for me, happier it wasn't them, and were also weighing up the impact to them over the next few months. I haven't disappointed. Like many other proud London Marathon runners to be, I talk incessantly about training, running, the route, any twinges. I post on Instagram @thiswomansweats about my journey and I proudly announce as I have run 12 miles, then 14 miles, then 15 miles. I have the 18 miler and 20 milers still to do.

Whether or not it's my wiser in years age or just my determination to enjoy the experience, I am having fun. I know I have been given a wonderful opportunity to be part of a great event. I do not compare myself to other runners (of which there are plenty all around me), I do not beat myself up if training has not gone to plan. I am comfortable knowing I can adapt my training plan to my busy life. I will get around the route in my own time and I am determined to enjoy every step.

I have been asked on various occasions if I was running for a charity. My response had been "if people wanted to donate they could to Norfolk Wildlife Trust (NWT)". I have tried to support NWT in various ways over the years, either as a member, or through attending events. NWT brings me so much joy with their nature reserves and forests, truly places of peace, great for recharging, checking in with your own wellbeing and of course the protection of our local wildlife.

I was honoured to be contacted by NWT and asked if I would run the London Marathon in their running shirt. I jumped at the chance and set up a Just Giving page to ensure any money raised by me goes directly to NWT to assist them to continue their great works: