NWT Cley Marshes visitor centre (credit: Richard Osbourne)
Car parking at Cley and Salthouse Marshes
Car parking at Cley and Salthouse Marshes
The NWT East Bank car park is free.
Parking charges apply to some visitors at our Cley and Salthouse Marshes visitor centre car park and the NWT Cley Beach Road car park.
These charges contribute to the upkeep of our car parks, footpaths and conservation of the nature reserve.

NWT Cley Marshes (credit: Richard Osbourne)
Parking is free for:
Members of Norfolk Wildlife Trust
Residents of Cley and Salthouse villages
Non-members who purchase a ticket to the paid entry part of the nature reserve
Non-members who are attending a paid event
Blue badge holders
We always seek to encourage greener and more sustainable forms of transport to get to our nature reserves, such as cycling, walking and lift sharing, as well as via public transport with the coastal bus service on the doorstep at Cley, and lift sharing. Half price reserve entry is also offered to visitors travelling on the coast hopper.
FAQs about parking at Cley
Find out the answers to some of our frequently asked questions below. If you can’t find the answer you need, please ask at the visitor centre and we will be happy to help.
If I’m a member of Norfolk Wildlife Trust or a resident of Cley or Salthouse, how do I get free parking?
Members: We issue all members with a car parking permit on joining and at renewal stage. Life members are sent durable permits. If you need additional or replacement permits, please speak to the visitor centre reception.
Residents: Please show your proof of residence at the visitor centre reception where you will be issued with an annual NWT car park permit.
If I am purchasing a ticket to go in the paid entry part of the nature reserve or attending a paid event, how do I get free parking?
When paying for your tickets at the visitor centre reception you will be issued with a car parking daily ticket valid for that day.
Non-members purchasing event tickets online or over the phone will be issued with a daily ticket on arrival at reception.
What is the charging period and how much does it cost?
The charging period is from 10am to 5pm every day, charging will be for a half day rate (3 hours) at £3 and a full day rate (6 hours) at £5.
If I have paid for parking at the NWT Cley beach car park, can I then also park at the NWT Cley and Salthouse Marshes visitor centre car park?
Yes, you will be able to use your ticket in either car park during the period you have paid for.
What happens if I arrive before 10am or after 5pm?
If you arrive early and require a ticket, purchase it when you arrive and the charging period on your ticket will begin at 10am.
If you are in the car park after 5pm, you will need to ensure your ticket covers you until 5pm only.
Please note: overnight parking is not allowed.
What if the pay-and-display machine isn’t working?
Staff and volunteers are on hand in the Visitor Centre to help. If the ticket machine is out of order, please see speak to someone at reception. If you’re unable to find someone to help, please leave a note in your windscreen with your arrival time, if possible.
Getting to and from the machine is difficult for me. How will you help me?
If you have mobility issues and you are a Blue Badge holder, you can park for free providing your badge is displayed. We recognise that for many with mobility issues this may be your only method of travelling to the site.
What if I am not eligible for free parking and wish to use the visitor centre facilities?
You will need to pay for your parking in order to access visitor centre facilities.
What if I fail to display evidence of free parking or a valid ticket?
You will be issued with a compliance notice; you will not be fined.