European hare (credit: 2020 Vision)
Defend Nature
No Nature. No Future.
Wildlife needs your voice.
A healthy and safe natural world brings huge benefits to people, as well as to wildlife. But wildlife and wild spaces across the UK are under huge pressure. Political action - including providing public funding for recovery schemes and delivering on policy commitments for nature - is vital. When we act together, we can encourage MPs and other decision-makers to defend nature.
We hold onto the fact that Ministers are now on the record at every turn with promises not to weaken environmental protections, and will challenge them to keep to these promises.Director of Policy & Public Affairs, The Wildlife Trusts
Contacting your local decision-makers or raising your concerns in local media can make a real difference for wildlife. This is a great way to show that wildlife and strong environment laws are important to you.
How you can help: step-by-step

Swan postcard (credit: The Wildlife Trusts)
Send your MP a postcard
Ask your MP to #DefendNature by sending a postcard that will land on the doormat of their office.

Writing to MP / writing / letter writing (credit: The Wildlife Trusts)
Write to your MP
- Find your MP here
- Send your letter by post or email to your MP

Atlantic puffin adult in flight (credit: Chris Gomersall/2020VISION)
Send a 'letter to the Editor'
Using our simple form, you will be matched up with your nearest local newspaper Editor and can send your letter direct.
Planning aplications
If you’d like advice on how to respond to a planning application, take a look at our planning page.
Further information can be found here.