Species data
Species recovery
Nursery web spider
A common spider of heathland and grassland, the Nursery web spider has brown and black stripes running the length of its body. It is an active hunter, only using its silk to create a protective…
On the lookout for lichen - 5 Norfolk species and how to find them
With help from county recorder, Robert Yaxley, we explore 5 Norfolk lichen species and share some tips on how to find them!
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An update from The Broads
Find out about the work that NWT are doing in The Broads in this illustrated talk.
Norfolk Wildlife Trust - Brecks update
Join us to discover what NWT have been working on in the Brecks.
What a tangled web we weave…
Although much maligned, and often feared, spiders are an essential part of our natural world and indicators of a healthy environment, says Norfolk Wildlife Trust Reserves Officer Robert Morgan.…
Perhaps the first sign that spring is just around the corner is the snowdrop poking its way through the frosted soil of a woodland, churchyard or garden. From January, look for its famous nodding…
£6 million investment to trigger new phase for UK nature recovery
The Wildlife Trusts ramp-up plans to combat nature crisis with new rewilding programme
Globally rare frog to benefit from new Norfolk habitat
We are leading a partnership to protect and expand ancient landscapes in the Brecks to enhance the habitat of the rare northern pool frog.