Waxwing flying (credit: Terry Whittaker/2020VISION)
Ethics policy
Environmental Ethics Statement
It is a requirement of the NWT business strategy, as well as best practice, that we adopt a new environmental ethical policy and action plan to guide sponsorship, investment and purchasing decisions. In agreement with the NWT Council, the following statement was adopted in March 2013 and updated in January 2016.
Our approach
Norfolk Wildlife Trust is committed to an environmentally ethical approach to its relationships with funders, suppliers and investors. We particularly welcome relationships with companies and individuals that:
support our charitable objectives and vision for a sustainable environment for Norfolk’s wildlife and people;
practice an environmentally friendly and responsible approach to their own activity, taking steps to address their own environmental impact and encouraging sustainability.
Where possible, we will work with businesses to encourage best practice environmentally and welcome opportunities through our partnerships to promote conservation and restoration benefits. We will also seek to influence activities and educate against practices that may be damaging to the environment.
We have a commitment to generating income for our charitable objectives and vision. In so doing:
- We will seek funds and services from any business, individual or organisation provided the receipt of those funds or services does not compromise our charitable objectives and vision for a sustainable environment particularly for Norfolk’s wildlife and people.
- We reserve the right to withdraw from or decline a relationship where the business, individual or organisation adversely affects or is perceived to adversely affect:
- the environment
- NWT’s ability to carry out statutory obligations
- NWT’s ability to accept other gifts or donations from other sources
- the reputation of Norfolk Wildlife Trust
- Or is perceived to be engaged in unethical or unlawful activities
We do not allow our partnerships to influence our own activity.