Wilder Communities - Making room for swifts in your neighbourhood

A swift flying to a nest box on the side of a building, in front of a blue sky

Swift flying to a nest box (credit: Nick Upton)

Wilder Communities - Making room for swifts in your neighbourhood

St Nicholas' Church, Market Place, North Walsham, NR28 9BT
On this walk Caroline Spinks, Norwich Swift Network, will give us an insight into these birds and talk about how she is helping communities to look after swifts in Norfolk.

Event details

Meeting point

Outside St Nicholas' Church, North Walsham
View on What3Words


6:30pm - 7:30pm
A static map of Wilder Communities - Making room for swifts in your neighbourhood

About the event

Would summer be the same without swift ‘screaming parties’ as they fly overhead? Surely this is something that would be truly missed if we lost these amazing birds that are now listed as a red data book species.

On this interactive walk Caroline Spinks, Norwich Swift Network, will give us an insight into these birds and talk about how she is helping communities to look after swifts in Norfolk.

This workshop is part of a programme specially designed to support individuals, communities and groups acting for nature in their local area. Workshops are subsidised by donations made to Norfolk Wildlife Trust. View the full programme here.


Please contact us at events@norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk if you have any specific needs or requirements in order to make your experience of this event more enjoyable.

Additional Information

Important Health and Safety Information

Events will take place in all weather conditions unless deemed unsafe. Please ensure that you dress appropriately for the weather with suitable footwear. Please be advised to take caution when walking on a site with open water and ensure that you always remain on the designated paths. Biting insects can be present at certain times of the year and you may choose to apply insect repellent as a precaution.