Butterfly walk

A speckled butterfly sits on a bramble flower

Dark Green Fritillary at Horsey (credit: Pat Adams)

Butterfly walk

Horsey Gap car park, Horsey Gap car park, Norfolk, NR29 4EF
Guided walk from Horsey Gap to see butterflies.

Event details

Meeting point

Horsey Gap car park, NR29 4EF, TG 465242


10:00am - 1:00pm
A static map of Butterfly walk

About the event

Guided walk from Horsey Gap to see dark green fritillaries and other species of butterfly led by Jerry Simpson and Andy Beaumont.

Walk 3 miles - Level 1, an easy walk, level, gentle and even.


Phone number

01692 630674


Free, donations welcome (car parking fee applies)

Additional booking information

Pre-booking required (max. 20) - Preferably by email:

Suitable for

Adults, Experts, Beginners