Sweet Briar Marshes - hide concept art (credit: NWT)
Facility concepts
The following images are intended to give an indication of the types of public facilities that could be provided at or near Sweet Briar Marshes.
All of the elements to be provided will be subject to a detailed design process and consultation. Planning permission and other approvals will also be required.
The final location(s) and extent of the Hub is subject to further detailed design and discussion with our neighbours. However, we would like to provide accessible parking, toilets, a base for reserve staff and volunteers and visitor information.
The preferred location, near Sweet Briar Road Industrial Estate may be influential on the design with the use of robust industrial materials.
Paths and decks
The main access path – the Upland Route - will cater for all users and will be designed to cope with wet conditions.
Provision will be made for visitors who are visually impaired and further consultation is planned with Inclusive Norwich to agree the details.
In parts of the site, boardwalks might be used to avoid damage to sensitive areas.
From the east section of the ‘Upland Route” there are good views over the SSSI to the flood meadows and ‘islands’. A series of lookout decks are proposed along this route at gaps in the treeline. This will allow visitors to get close to the SSSI but without encroachment into the sensitive parts of the site. The lookouts will have seating and information about the SSSI.
Seats and benches
A range of robust seating is proposed for the site. Seating will be located at various locations along the main routes. The seating will vary to cater for a range of users and age groups.
Bird viewing points
A number of bird viewing points have been identified at key locations.
Aerial walkway
An exciting suggestion from the consultation process was the idea of an aerial walkway. This is shown on the concept plan linking from the outdoor classroom through the tree canopy and connecting to Sweet Briar Marshes, creating an ‘East Loop’ as well as joining up to other pathways.