Wilder Wardens

A group of young people standing in a row and smiling at the camera, while they stand on a raised platform above the trees on a sunny day

Wilder Wardens 2023 (credit: NWT)

Wilder Wardens

This is our practical conservation group for young people wanting to help the environment, learn practical conservation skills, and make new friends!

We launched the Wilder Wardens pilot project in February 2023. It is a practical conservation group for young people who care about nature and are interested in protecting local wildlife.

The Wilder Wardens enjoy being outdoors, learning new skills, and meeting other like-minded people. During their sessions, they get a taste of what it is like to be a warden on a nature reserve – carrying out real management tasks on site including scrub clearance, visitor infrastructure maintenance, and wildlife surveying.

See what the Wilder Wardens have been getting up to in the gallery below.

Interested in becoming a Wilder Warden?

Our Wilder Wardens group is currently based at NWT Hickling Broad, but we plan to start new groups at different sites soon.

If you're interested in finding out more about our Wilder Wardens programme, please email us at: educationenquiries@norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk

Latest news and blogs

Find out what our Wilder Wardens have been up to below.