The shy and retiring bittern is a master of blending in and can be very difficult to spot in its reedbed home. It does sound like a booming foghorn, however, when it calls, so can often be heard…
The shy and retiring bittern is a master of blending in and can be very difficult to spot in its reedbed home. It does sound like a booming foghorn, however, when it calls, so can often be heard…
Come and look for bitterns with us on a guided walk at Hickling
Come and look for bitterns with us on a guided walk at Hickling
Come and look for bitterns with us on a guided walk at Hickling
Come and look for bitterns with us on a guided walk at Hickling
This fluffy moth is one of the few species that fly in winter.
Spoonbill have bred successfully for the second year running at NWT Hickling Broad and Marshes, providing hope of establishing a future breeding colony of these distinctive rare birds.
What is a 'rare' bird? Our Reserves Officer reflects on some exciting Norfolk visitors, and gives his top tip for the month ahead.
Our Reserves Officer, Robert Morgan, shares some key species to look out for while exploring this festive season.
With help from county recorder, Robert Yaxley, we explore 5 Norfolk lichen species and share some tips on how to find them!