August on our nature reserves
Reserves Officer Robert Morgan shares his August musings, and reports on rare sights from the Broads and the North Norfolk coast.
Reserves Officer Robert Morgan shares his August musings, and reports on rare sights from the Broads and the North Norfolk coast.
The rare Norfolk hawker is a pale brown dragonfly, with a distinctive yellow triangle on its body. Until recently, it was only found in unpolluted fens, marshes and ditches of the Broads National…
What is a 'rare' bird? Our Reserves Officer reflects on some exciting Norfolk visitors, and gives his top tip for the month ahead.
Once considered a weed of cornfields, the common poppy is now in decline due to intensive agricultural practices. It can be found in seeded areas, on roadside verges and waste ground, and in field…
In the spirit of Giving Tuesday, falling this year on Tuesday 3 December, we are sharing some ways you can take meaningful action to help Norfolk’s wildlife.
Raptors, or ‘birds of prey’ are one of the most charismatic and exciting groups of birds. This workshop will look at the past history and present status of these birds, where they might be seen…
Norfolk's most prestigious award for naturalists, the Sydney Long Memorial Medal, has been awarded to Dr Anne Edwards, chair of Wymondham Nature Group, in recognition of her outstanding…
Today, alongside leading wildlife organisations, we are publishing a landmark State of Nature 2023 report. It shows that nature is continuing to decline at an alarming rate across the UK, which is…
Norfolk Wildlife Trust will strongly object to any planning application for the Western Link and has written to the Department for Transport to raise its concerns over unacceptable wildlife…