Red kite
Seeing a red kite soaring high in the sky is a true delight! Once a very rare bird, thanks to successful reintroduction projects these wonderful birds can now be seen in lots of places in the UK…
Seeing a red kite soaring high in the sky is a true delight! Once a very rare bird, thanks to successful reintroduction projects these wonderful birds can now be seen in lots of places in the UK…
The St Mark's fly is small, black and shiny. It is so-called because it emerges around St Mark's Day, April 25th. Large numbers of adults can be found in woodland edges, hedgerows,…
Today, we sent an open letter to Councillor Andrew Proctor, in objection to the Norwich Western Link road (NWL). Read the full letter below.
Plans for our new city nature reserve, NWT Sweet Briar Marshes, are taking shape following the end of the first stage of community engagement.
Norfolk Wildlife Trust seeks to raise £600,000, in partnership with Aviva, to protect rare wildlife and connect the city's residents to nature.
Following information published by Norfolk County Council ahead of today's Cabinet meeting, a group of environmental organisations continue to raise grave concerns about the ecological impact…
On Monday 15 July 2019, Norfolk County Council approved option C as its preferred route for the NDR Western Link.
Norfolk Wildlife Trust successfully raises £600,000 in partnership with Aviva to protect rare wildlife and connect the City's residents to nature.