Ponds Adviser
22 Thorpe Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 1RY
Contact details
This role is full time (35 hours a week), however part-time and job share applicants are welcomed.
Candidates should apply by sending a copy of their CV, giving full details of education, employment and experience. Please also supply details of two referees. You should also include a statement of application outlining why you consider yourself suitable for the post and what experience, skills and attributes you have which will enable you to fulfil the requirements of the job. It will help the selection panel if you refer to the duties and requirements of the job description enclosed in framing your statement.
Completed applications should be marked ‘Private and Confidential’ and emailed to recruitment@norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk or be posted to: Recruitment Applications, Norfolk Wildlife Trust, Bewick House, 22 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY.
The closing date for applications is 14 April 2025. Interviews are likely to take place on Tuesday 29 April 2025.
Please indicate which post you are applying for.
Norfolk Wildlife Trust is the county’s largest environmental charity, committed to the protection and enhancement of Norfolk’s wildlife and wild places.
NWT has a bold vision to restore over 1,000 ponds by 2050. This vision is supported by our partners, including the Norfolk Ponds Project, and focuses on farmland ponds and pingos. The Ponds Adviser will contribute to our efforts to accelerate nature’s recovery across Norfolk by providing key advice and encouragement on pond management and restoration to farmers and landowners, inspiring them to adopt land management practices which recover nature at a landscape scale. The Ponds Adviser will organise pond restoration and creation work and play a key role in the delivery of training to landowners and contractors, so they are best placed to restore and manage ponds into the future.
A detailed job description and person specification is attached below for information and to assist you with your application.
Please also see the video to explain the importance of expanding our Nature Recovery Team.