Will you help restore Norfolk's lost meadows?

Help us bring back the joyful sights and sounds of summer to Norfolk's countryside

We have lost a devastating number of Norfolk's meadows since the mid 20th century.

Due to the changing way our landscape is managed, less than 5% of Norfolk's meadows remain. 

This loss is part of a tragic picture for some of our most loved plants, animals and insects, many of which are clinging on to life in isolated patches of this ancient habitat.

Happily, with your support, we can restore Norfolk's meadows, and with them the rare and vulnerable wildlife that calls them home. 

Every donation, no matter how big or small, will help bring life back to our landscape.

To donate, please scroll down and fill in the donation form further down the page.

We'll turn your donations into daisies and your gifts into grasshoppers...

We are already successfully working on our nature reserves and with local communities to create and restore meadows. But, with your support we can do so much more. Help us raise £30,000 to bring back the joyful sights and sounds of summer to Norfolk.

Donate today to restore Norfolk's lost meadows.

Thank you for your donation - it really will make a difference.


could help us create a meadow-rich grassland the size of a tennis court within the protection of our reserves.


could pay for NWT to work with landowners to enhance a square kilometre of existing grassland, creating wildlife-rich meadows throughout the county.


could train 20 people in the skills to create and manage meadows, helping local communities to support wildlife where they live.



Make your donation worth more for wildlife... at no extra cost to you!

If you are a UK taxpayer, the value of your gift can be increased by 25% under the Gift Aid scheme at no extra cost to you. This means your donation of £2.50 could be worth an extra £0.63 to us. Use Gift Aid and you can make your membership subscription and/or donation worth more. For every pound you give to us, we get an extra 25p from HM Revenue & Customs. Please read the statement below and tick the box if you can help us in this way. For more information please contact us or visit our website.

We want to take good care of your information!

We will keep your details secure at all times. We never sell or share your details with any other third party for their own use. This is our summarised privacy notice. Please read our full Privacy Policy and Code of Conduct.

We also want to tell you about all the things we do to save wildlife!
If you are happy for us to send you information about events, campaigns or fundraising that can make a difference to Norfolk’s wildlife, please let us know by completing the form below.  If you are an NWT member, your preferences will not affect your regular membership mailings and cards.

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