NWS in a cave (credit: NWT)
Meet the NWS team
Ben Moore BSc ACIEEM – Ecologist
Ben graduated from the University of East Anglia in 2015 with a BSc in Ecology and joined the team at NWS in May 2017. He is currently an Associate member of CIEEM and has experience in surveying a wide range of protected species such as badgers, bats, water voles, birds, reptiles and great crested newts. Ben holds Level 1 survey class licenses for bats and great crested newts.
Ben also has experience in habitat surveys and regularly assesses habitats as per the UK Habitat Classification system. Ben also has experience in managing a range of habitats for conservation such as grassland, woodland and wetland habitats, where he uses this knowledge to inform habitat management plans and appropriate Biodiversity Net Gain recommendations.
In his spare time Ben likes to pursue hobbies such as bird watching and photography. However, Ben’s interests extend beyond terrestrial ecology, and as an ex-SCUBA diver he also enjoys snorkeling around the coastline and rivers of Norfolk.
Lucy Llewellyn BSc (Hons) MSc – Assistant Ecologist
Lucy graduated from University College London with an MSc in Conservation and has a BSc (Hons) in Geography with Ecology from the University of Sussex. She has a background working and volunteering in conservation roles in the UK and abroad, including supporting local and national scale environmental and ecological initiatives, surveying moths, farmland birds, invasive plant species and ground beetles.
Before joining Norfolk Wildlife Services, Lucy worked at a Norfolk-based nationwide animal welfare charity for seven years, managing and supporting an award-winning visitor and education centre. She is passionate about the work of wildlife and animal charities and has over 15 years’ experience promoting and sharing their work.
While with NWS since 2019, Lucy has developed her survey experience with bats (emergence surveying, roost inspection and acoustic identification), great crested newts (identification, torching and eDNA sampling), water voles and reptiles.
James Allitt BSc TechArborA – Senior Arboriculturist
Jim studied a BSc in Outdoor Studies at St Martins College in Ambleside, Cumbria, and holds the Level 6 Diploma in Arboriculture. He also holds the Lantra Professional Tree Inspection award and a City and Guilds level 2 in AutoCAD, and is a professional member of the Arboricultural Association. Through his volunteering and professional work, Jim has obtained a Level 1 class licence for bat surveying and can perform aerial bat roost surveys on trees.
Jim has a background in nature conservation and over 15 years' Arboricultural experience. Before working for NWS, he spent 8 years with Natural England working on the nature reserves in North and West Norfolk. He has also worked in Ireland with Coillte, the Irish Forestry Board, as an arborist.
Outside the tree world, Jim divides his time between family outings and combining sea kayaking with enjoying wildlife on the North Norfolk coast.
Ben Carter - Assistant Arboriculturist
Ben studied Arboriculture and Forestry at level 3 in 2009 at Easton college and has worked in the Arboriculture industry for over 15 years. Before joining NWS he had a tree care business working on Domestic, Commercial and conservation projects. He has kept up to date through the years attending conferences, seminars and training to follow the progressive research within arboriculture.
Ben holds the Lantra Professional tree inspection award and is a technician member of the Arboricultural Association.
Ben has a keen interest in trees as a career but also a lifelong fascination with trees and the biodiversity attached to trees which has led to many trips within the UK and further abroad for exploration in forests to see ancient trees and up into tree canopies when possible. Recreational tree climbing and growing trees are hobbies of Ben’s when time allows outside of work commitments and family life.
Diksha Balmiki B.Sc. M.Sc. Conservation and Biodiversity – Assistant Ecologist
Diksha holds a Master’s in Conservation and Biodiversity from Lancaster University, building on her first Master’s in Environmental Sciences from MLS University from India. Diksha has a background working in industrial, educational and research sector. Diksha has actively contributed to environmental research and has been involved in biodiversity conservation efforts through volunteering initiatives in both the UK and India, including projects focused on lake conservation and habitat management.
Diksha began her career as a Seasonal Assistant Ecologist with NWS in April 2024, gained hands – on experience in protected species surveys principally bats, great crusted newts and reptiles. Diksha has also developed skills in habitat survey and classification, ecological report writing and GIS mapping. Currently, Diksha is involved assisting with Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) surveys and has expertise in acoustic data analysis for bats.
In addition to her role as an Assistant Ecologist, Diksha is a content creator and proficient video editor, actively managing her own YouTube channel.
Sonja Seaton – Ecologist
Sonja graduated from the University of East Anglia with an MSc in Environmental Management and Assessment in 2021 and graduated with a BSc in Ecology in 2008. She has over 25 years’ experience working in the Environmental sector in Norfolk. Much of Sonja’s experience is working for Local Authorities as an Ecologist and other technical support roles. This work includes specialist experience with safeguarding the natural environment in relation to planning application, monitoring soft cliff habitats and Sand martins on the North Norfolk Coast and botany surveying of woodlands, roadside verges and permissive routes across Norfolk. Sonja is passionate about our Natural Environment and environmental education and has dedicated over ten years teaching children about wildlife across Norfolk.
NWS Board
NWS is steered and advised by a Board of Directors currently consisting of the following members:
Lyndsay Whiteman – Chair and Director of NWS, and Treasurer of NWT
Glen Houchell – Director of NWS
John Sharpe – Director of NWS
Eliot Lyne – Director of NWS and CEO of NWT