Brett's Wood

Brett's wood in January. It's foggy and a lot of the trees are bare, there are brown leaves on the ground.

Brett's Wood (credit: Richard Osbourne)

Coal tit

©Dawn Monrose

Looking up into the winter canopy of Brett's wood against a blue sky

Brett's Wood (credit: Richard Osbourne)

Brett's Wood

Brett's Wood is a peaceful, decades-old conifer plantation. We’ve been working to restore its wooded areas and create new heathland since we purchased it in 2010 with a donation in memory of Robert Brett.


From Fakenham take the A148 towards Holt, approximately 1km (0.6 miles) after the Green Man Pub near Little Snoring. Entrance is on the left just before a roadside belt of beech trees. Access is on foot from the car park.
NR21 0BB

OS Map Reference

TF 969 327

View on What3Words

A static map of Brett's Wood

Know before you go

29 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

Car park at entrance

Walking trails

A looping path follows woodland rides. See map below for more details.

Reserve map


Paths on this site are access grade 2. Please visit our Accessibility page for more information.


No dogs permitted

When to visit

Opening times

9am - 5pm, every day, all year round

Best time to visit

All year round

About the reserve

A former conifer plantation, Brett’s Wood offers an exciting opportunity to create a new, flourishing woodland and heathland reserve with spaces for outdoor learning. There is much work still to be done, but clearings in the conifers have already allowed life to return to the forest floor. 

Currently, the most common bird species are those favouring conifers, such as goldcrest and coal tit, but the site also supports garden warbler, blackcap and willow warbler. In winter, woodcock are also quite common.  

During the autumn, Brett’s Wood is a good place to spot fungi. Fly agaric – the toadstool you’ll know best from fairy tales with its scarlet, white-spotted cap – often grows here. The best time of year to look is September to late October.

Contact us

Norfolk Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 01603 625540
An illustrated map of Brett's wood

Seasonal highlights


Birds: goldcrest, mixed tit flocks.  


Birds: warblers, including garden warbler.  

Plants: slender St. John's wort, yellow pimpernel.  


Fungi: fly agaric, bolete.   


Birds: siskin, woodcock.