Foxley Wood

Bluebells at Foxley wood

Bluebells at Foxley Wood (credit: Richard Osbourne)

A bench along a woodland path at Foxley Wood

Foxley Wood (credit: Richard Osbourne)

Foxley Wood

Step into Foxley woods in spring and the carpets of bluebells splashed by pure white ransom petals will make for a beautiful and fragrant visit. Butterflies and birds abound in summer, and in autumn you’ll spot an array of fungi in all their strange shapes and colours.


NWT Foxley Wood is 25km north west of Norwich. Leave Norwich on the A1067 Fakenham road, from which the wood is signposted on the right. Go through Foxley village and the entrance and car park is 2km ahead on the right. Parking is available in several small car parks just inside the nature reserve.
NR20 4QR

OS Map Reference

TG 049 229

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A static map of Foxley Wood

Know before you go

124 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

Car park at entrance

Walking trails

There are several paths following open glades. See map below for more details.

Reserve map


Paths on this site are access grade 2. Please visit our Accessibility page for more information.


No dogs permitted

When to visit

Opening times

10am till 5pm, Friday to Wednesday (closed Thursdays) all year round.

Best time to visit

There’s lots to see all year round, but especially in spring and summer.

About the reserve

Foxley Wood is a fantastic place for a peaceful, woodland walk all year round. 

Well-known for its beautiful spring bluebells, this tranquil reserve is also home to hundreds of flowering plant species and all the common woodland birds, including nuthatch, tree creeper and marsh tit. 

In May, an early morning walk will be rewarded with a truly magnificent dawn chorus, with blackcap and garden warbler joining the resident birds in song. Foxley Wood still plays host to the rapidly declining spotted flycatcher. 

A hotspot for butterflies too – with white admiral, speckled wood, purple hairstreak and silver-washed fritillary regularly found skipping along the dappled glades and woodland rides. In a good year, common species such as meadow brown and gatekeeper can appear in huge numbers. Recently, the regal purple Emperor butterfly has returned to Foxley, and continues to grow in number each year. As the summer moves into autumn, the dark bush crickets start calling and on a warm balmy afternoon their singing can reach a surprisingly loud crescendo.    

Flourishing today, this wonderful ancient woodland suffered decades of degradation under a commercial forestry regime. Large-scale restoration work has allowed surviving ancient woodland ground flora, such as dog’s mercury, greater butterfly orchid, wood anemone and herb-paris to thrive here.   

Contact us

Norfolk Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 01603 625540
Illustrated map of Foxley Wood

Seasonal Highlights


Plants: bluebells, early purple orchid, lily of the valley, wild service tree. 


Birds: spotted flycatcher, garden warbler. 

Invertebrates: purple emperor butterfly, dark bush cricket.