Southrepps Common

A wooden boardwalk alongside a wooden bench with reeds to the left and short grass on the right.

Southrepps Common (credit: David North)

Peering through trees and vegetation to see cut reedbed at Southrepps Common

Southrepps Common (credit: David North)

A little pale brown bird singing it's heart out in a lush green tree

Garden warbler (credit: Chris Gomersall/2020VISION)

Southrepps Common

Spread across five nearby sites, Southrepps Common is a beautiful, accessible reserve to explore with several paths, boardwalks and two bridges. You’ll find a variety of habitats including woodland, reedbeds, fen, and grassland.


Off the A149 between North Walsham and Cromer. Close to Gunton Railway Station.
NR11 8UL

OS Map Reference

TG 260 350
A static map of Southrepps Common

Know before you go

12 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

Limited parking available in Social Club car park or opposite Antingham and Southrepps Primary School

Walking trails

Boardwalk through tall reeds and two bridges. See map below for more details.

Reserve map


Paths on this site are access grade 1. Please visit our Accessibility page for more information.


On a lead


Picnic area

When to visit

Opening times

Dawn till dusk, every day, all year round

Best time to visit


About the reserve

Southrepps Common is a wonderful place to sit or to stroll on a warm sunny day. It is an increasingly rare example of Norfolk countryside untouched by modern agriculture.   

In spring, the reserve is alive with bird song. It’s a great place to see and hear warblers, including the elusive garden warbler. A good number of butterflies and moths have been recorded on the reserve, and we’re also lucky to have several plants that are unusual for Norfolk.  

The five Southrepps Commons were gifted to Norfolk Wildlife Trust in 2019 by the local Parish Council to ensure their ongoing protection and management. The reserve provides a home to an exceptionally wide range of micro habitats and their associated species. 

Contact us

Norfolk Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 01603 625540
Illustrated map of Southrepps Common