Swangey Fen

A frosty scene with a leafless tree in the foreground and icy grasses in the background

Swangey Fen (credit: Richard Osbourne)

Tall wintery trees over wet muddy ground as the sun peaks through

Swangey Fen (credit: Richard Osbourne)

Swangey Fen

A small, species-rich fenland spot, featuring scrub, mature woodland, and grassland. It was kindly gifted to NWT by the Otter Trust.


Access by guided group tour only.
NR17 1AS

OS Map Reference

TM 018 032
A static map of Swangey Fen

Know before you go

19 hectares


Please visit our Accessibility page for more information.


No dogs permitted

When to visit

Opening times

Access by guided group tour only

Best time to visit

Swangey Fen has a good array of fenland plants in spring and summer.

About the reserve

Please note: Swangey Fen is not accessible to the public except by privately arranged guided group tours. 

We maintain the diverse fenland plant and invertebrate community at Swangey Fen through a biennial cutting regime.

The reserve is rich in a variety of plants, including rarities such as milk parsley and adder’s tongue. This scarce species is an indicator of ancient grassland. It is short and unobtrusive with an oval frond and a single spore-bearing spike from which it gets its name. In previous centuries, the plant was revered by herbalists as a cure for snake bites and other conditions.  

Contact us

Norfolk Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 01603 625540