
Roydon Common grass and plants under a cloudy sky

Roydon Common (credit: Richard Osbourne)


Our governing body is the Council of Trustees, comprising the Trustees (the Company Directors) who have full decision-making authority on behalf of the Charity’s members.

Alice Liddle, Chair

Alice cannot remember a time in her life when she hasn't been passionate about the natural world, whether in her early years in Tanzania, being taught how to identify wildflowers by her grandmother in Northumberland or exploring the wildlife and habitats of Norfolk. 
Alice has lived in Norfolk since 1993. She retired as a solicitor in 2019. During her career, Alice headed two departments and had shared responsibility for delivering training and coaching to over 200 colleagues and clients. 
Alice has been a Trustee of NWT since 2016 and Chair of the Board of Trustees since 2019. She is also a member of the Trust's Finance, Audit and Risk Group and its Remunerations Group, and regularly attends the Governance Review Group meetings, contributing to the ongoing improvement of the governance of the Trust. Retirement has released more time for Alice to continue to contribute her management, financial and governance skills for NWT's benefit. 

"It is a privilege to be a trustee and Chair of Norfolk Wildlife Trust with the ability to contribute to the Trust's mission to secure nature's recovery in Norfolk."

Alice Liddle, Chair of Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Alice Liddle (credit: Jimmy King)

Jennie ffrench-Constant, Vice-Chair

Jennie is a retired doctor who trained in Oxford, London and Boston before becoming a Consultant Haematologist at the NNUH Hospital (1994-2016). Here she was responsible for many new innovations including bone marrow transplants and walk-in thrombosis clinics. 
Jennie has lived in Norfolk with her husband for over 30 years. They have two adult children and one grandchild. She is a life long wildlife enthusiast, having been brought up on a small holding in the Cotswolds. She loves the Norfolk life, being an enthusiastic birder and walker and a longterm member of the NWT, Hawk and Owl Trust and RSPB. 

Jennie ffrench-Constant, Vice-Chair of Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Jennie ffrench-Constant (credit: Jimmy King)

John Sharpe, Vice-Chair 

John grew up in Whittlesey in the Cambridgeshire Fens, but has lived in Norfolk for the last 30 years and has been a member of NWT all that time. He is passionate about wildlife and spent 30 years as a professional conservationist, the last 25 for the RSPB, latterly as Conservation Manager for Eastern England until retirement in 2017. He has led teams giving conservation advice to farmers and successfully influenced decision makers in National and Local Government to protect and enhance wildlife. He was a member of the Broads Authority for eight years and Environment Agency Flood Defence Committees for over 17 years, working to ensure that the role of the natural environment was valued and taken into account in both their operations. Consequently he combines knowledge of the mechanics of conservation as well as a strategic overview, and understands the importance of effective communication and engaging people. Since becoming a Trustee he has assisted NWT with recruitment of senior posts, chaired the Trust's Governance Review Group, and taken a special interest in the Trust's conservation work.

"As a keen all round naturalist, Norfolk's wildlife has a special place in my heart and I want to use my skills and knowledge to support NWT to make a difference".

John Sharpe, Trustee of Norfolk Wildlife Trust

John Sharpe (credit: Jimmy King)

Lyndsay Whiteman, Treasurer

Lyndsay grew up in Guernsey and settled in Norwich following her studies at UEA and subsequent accounting qualification. Day to day Lyndsay manages the finances of a business in the aerospace industry. Lyndsay joined Norfolk Wildlife Trust as Treasurer in 2019, and also leads the Trust's Finance, Audit & Risk sub-committee. 
"It is a privilege to be Treasurer of Norfolk Wildlife Trust, I hope to combine my experience in finance and interest in the environment to help support the conservation of Norfolk's wildlife." 

Lyndsay Whiteman, Treasurer of Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Lyndsay Whiteman (credit: Lyndsay Whiteman)

Andrew Clarke

Andy is an ecologist whose career was spent in polar regions. He first visited Norfolk in 1963, has been a member of NWT since 1977 and now lives here. He has managed large international scientific projects in Antarctica and has experience of conservation issues, both locally and globally, through chairing the Cambridge Conservation Forum. He is currently Chair of the North Norfolk Local Members Group and continues natural history recording locally. 
“I hope to bring my experience of ecological research and environmental monitoring to help the conservation of Norfolk’s’ wildlife for the long term in the face of rapidly increasing environmental change.” 

Andrew Clarke, Trustee of Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Andrew Clarke (credit: Jimmy King)

Glenn Houchell

It was while studying environmental change and sustainability with the Open University that Glenn fully appreciated the complexities of the issues in protecting the natural world. He joined NWT several years prior to moving to Norfolk in retirement. 
Glenn spent 35 years working in the investment management industry, specialising in corporate governance and risk management. He also served nine years as an independent director of a social housing provider, where he chaired the finance and audit committee. 
He hopes to apply his knowledge and experience to help NWT navigate the challenges we face in protecting wildlife habitats. 

Glenn Houchell, Trustee of Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Glenn Houchell (credit: Jimmy King)

Greg Beeton

Greg combines a passion for wildlife conservation with Business and Charity Governance as a longstanding trustee with extensive experience across NWT subcommittees. 
Professionally working with landowners, financial institutions and researchers, Greg leads the transition across much of Norfolk ,influencing land use change for biodiversity gain and climate change mitigation. 
With a track record in successful public and private fundraising, Greg has delivered projects locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, integrating community needs alongside sustainable habitat management. 
Greg has a strong interest in BTO science, is an RSPB raptor monitor and a prize-winning wildlife photographer.

Greg Beeton, Trustee of Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Greg Beeton (credit: Greg Beeton)

Kathy Gill

Kathy was born and brought up in Norfolk, holidaying on the coast and sailing on the Norfolk Broads. She manages national teams of specialists in Natural England, contributing science and evidence to conservation projects across England and providing policy advice to government on the environment. 
She has had a broad career to date which includes strong local, regional and central governmental experience in sustainable development, and has worked extensively in Norfolk within these roles. 
She also has significant experience as Strategy Director of an international environmental volunteering NGO working on citizen science projects around the world and is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. 

Kathy Gill, Trustee of Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Kathy Gill (credit: Jimmy King)

Mandy Loadman

I am from Norfolk and live in the beautiful Broadland village of Dilham with my husband Neil and our pets. I have always had a passion for nature and enjoy attracting wildlife into our garden and taking early morning local walks. 

My career spans 36 years in Financial Services, specialising in Programme Delivery & Digital. 

I see the Norfolk Wildlife Trust as such an important organisation, driving research, education, and preservation. I hope to get the opportunity to use my skill set to support the trust in driving its strategy forward as well as to grow personally from the opportunity. 

Mandy Loadman is smiling on a beach. She has purple hair and a purple coat and scarf and is wearing glasses.

Mandy Loadman (credit: Mandy Loadman)

Rob Lucking  

Rob has worked in nature conservation for more than 25 years, initially for BirdLife International and RSPB, and later to pursue a freelance career in ecology and horticulture. His conservation interests are in land management and species recovery but he also has expertise in project management and commercial development. Rob lives with his family near Fakenham and is a keen birder and general natural historian. He can often be found on one of NWT's many fantastic reserves. He is the chairman of the Island Conservation Society (UK), owners of Aride Island, a globally important seabird island in the Seychelles.          

Rob Lucking, Trustee of Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Rob Lucking (credit: Jimmy King)

Scott Pinching

Scott has lived in Norfolk all his life, currently living in Norwich with his wife and four children. For 24 years Scott has been the Finance Director of a local financial services business, previously qualifying as a Chartered Accountant with Ernst & Young. He is a Trustee of two Charities, and feels that this experience, along with his financial background makes him a useful addition to the Council. 
“I feel lucky to live in Norfolk with its diverse natural habitats and wildlife and wish to encourage more people to enjoy them and to help preserve them for future generations.” 

Scott Pinching, Trustee of Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Scott Pinching (credit: Scott Pinching)

Sue Roe

Sue began her working life as a journalist but early on moved into horticulture, designing gardens, running a plant nursery, writing and broadcasting.  She then moved into conservation, working for a Local Authority, setting up and delivering community environmental projects including establishing new woodland, managing churchyards, commons and other green spaces for biodiversity. During these years Sue learned a great deal about community development and land management for conservation. 
Sue established the Tree Warden scheme in Cambridgeshire and eventually became a Trustee and Chair of the Tree Council, a voluntary role held for 9 years. Sue joined the Woodland Trust in 1996 to lead a £20m community woodland project, raising £12m funding needed to match an £8m Millennium Commission grant and delivered the project on time. Sue was awarded an OBE for this work. 
She worked for the Woodland Trust for 20 years and during this time Sue managed significant practical projects and established a strong network of support for the Trust’s work including driving forward working with other landowners. Sue helped develop the Major Donor Fundraising function, building a team that achieves significant financial support at the highest level for the Trust’s work. She also delivered a busy events programme for high net worth individuals. Sue initiated and led an Ambassador Scheme, which provides many kinds of support for all aspects of the Woodland Trust’s work. She was appointed an Ambassador when she retired in 2015. 
Sue’s interests in retirement continue to be conservation, particularly in Norfolk through her appointment as a Trustee of NWT. She co-edits and produces a magazine for the Norfolk Gardens Trust and is an Assistant County Co-ordinator for the National Gardens Scheme in Norfolk. She is a member of the RHS Herbaceous Plant Committee and is a keen amateur botanist. Sue has stepped down from the Norwich Society’s Civic Environment Committee but remains a member. Sue leads a group of volunteer gardeners working in Norwich City Centre. 

Sue Roe, Trustee of Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Sue Roe (credit: Jimmy King)

It is a privilege to be a Trustee and Chair of Norfolk Wildlife Trust with the ability to contribute to the Trust's mission to secure nature's recovery in Norfolk.
Alice Liddle
Chair of Norfolk Wildlife Trust