Hedgehogs at night (credit: Jon Hawkins – Surrey Hills Photography)
Share your wildlife records
Putting local wildlife on the map
Most people enjoy seeing wildlife; whether it's birds in the garden, a brown hare running across a field, bluebells in a local wood, or wildflowers blooming along a local lane. However, few people keep a note of what they see, and fewer still submit those sightings to the Norfolk Biodiversity Information Service (NBIS) – the local environmental record centre.
It is vital for conservation that we know about local wildlife so we can monitor how individual species and their habitats are faring. Without your input, we simply would not know what wildlife is where and what is special about each place.
Recording wildlife is an important first step for protecting Norfolk’s incredible wildlife, but it is also great fun for nature lovers of all ages.
Every record counts
The best place to submit your wildlife sightings is to Norfolk Biodiversity Information Service (NBIS). Whether you have seen a house sparrow in your garden, an otter swimming in a river, or a grass snake basking in the sun – every wildlife record counts.
NWT Wildlife Spotter Survey
Each season, we host an online wildlife survey and ask you to share your sightings of three important plants and creatures found in the county. We’d love you to take part!

Blackbird (credit: Jon Hawkins)