Sparham Pools

Trees and shrubs surrounding a pool at Sparham Pools

Sparham Pools (credit: Richard Osbourne)

A large tree with no leaves in winter overlooking water at Sparham Pools

Sparham Pools (credit: Richard Osbourne)

A leaning, leafless tree handing over a pool of water. The branches reflection is on the water's surface.

Sparham Pools (credit: Richard Osbourne)

Sparham Pools

Sitting close to the clear chalk-stream waters of the River Wensum, this former gravel pit is now a wonderful lake, rich in wildlife.


Sparham Pools is approximately 21km north west of Norwich. Leave Norwich on the A1067 Fakenham Road, take the left turn towards the village of Lyng. Sparham Pools car park is located approximately one mile on the left-hand side of the road before the bridge.

OS Map Reference

TG 073 179

View on What3Words

A static map of Sparham Pools

Know before you go

12 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

Small car park available

Walking trails

Single footpath leading from carpark around the reserve. See map below for more details.

Reserve map


Paths on this site are access grade 2. Please visit our Accessibility page for more information.


No dogs permitted

No dogs permitted on reserve. Dogs on a lead on all other paths.

When to visit

Opening times

Dawn till dusk, every day, all year round

Best time to visit

Sparham Pools is a great spot for a short walk any time of year, but winter is the best time to visit for the wildfowl.

About the reserve

The circular path around Sparham Pools makes these former gravel workings a perfect place for a pleasant stroll any time of year.  

These tranquil waters attract a variety of duck species, including shoveler, gadwall, pochard, and tufted duck. Less common duck, such as goldeneye and goosander, favour the deep water, and are regular visitors in winter. Kingfishers are often seen here too. 

In summer the reserve is alive with insect life, including green hairstreak butterfly and red-eyed damselfly.   

Contact us

Norfolk Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 01603 625540
Illustrated map of Sparham Pools nature reserve