Youth groups

Four children on a roost platform, pictured from below, who are looking through binoculars underneath a bare tree and a blue sky

Birdwatching at Hickling (credit: NWT)

Youth groups

We manage some of the most inspiring wild spaces in the county. Part of our vision is to reconnect people of all ages with wildlife. Our experienced Wilder Learning Officers deliver a range of sessions which inspire children and young people to discover, explore and care for our precious natural world through hands-on, engaging sessions.

Our youth group sessions are suitable for informal and uniformed youth groups, such as Brownies and Scouts, as well as home education groups.

You can either choose to visit us or we can visit you. So, get ready for a wilder learning experience!


You visit us

Our teams can't wait to welcome you to our sites and share the wonderful wildlife of Norfolk. We have lots of different sessions available at each of our visit locations.

Please note: only certain locations have facilities – you may need to consider this when booking your visit.

A map of Norfolk pointing out sites that are available for education visits

Discover and Learn map 2024

Activities at our sites

Your site visit will begin with a short introduction, followed by the different activities you have selected for your visit. Each session lasts approximately 1 hour.

Brilliant birds

This is a wonderful opportunity to observe and learn about the spectacular variety of birds found in Norfolk from our bird hides. Pupils will identify and compare different species, and how they are adapted to their environment.

Available at: NWT Cley Marshes, NWT Hickling Broad, NWT Holme Dunes, NWT Ranworth Broad

Key words: Adaptation, behaviour, species, migration, prey, predator

Broads boat trip

Experience wetland habitats from a unique perspective. Our knowledgeable boat operators will provide a brief history of the Norfolk Broads, and what makes them so special to our wildlife today.

Available at: NWT Hickling Broad, NWT Ranworth Broad

Key words: Habitat, species, ecosystem, peat, conservation, management, food chain

Changing coastlines

An interactive session that explores the coastal environment. Young people will act out and explore the roles of waves, erosion, and sea defences to understand how the sea affects both landscape and people.

Available at: NWT Cley Marshes, NWT Holme Dunes, West Runton Beach

Key words: Erosion, longshore drift, sea defence, coastal processes

Dyke dipping

Explore the freshwater life at our reserves. Young people will learn about freshwater invertebrates through dipping in the dykes and using keys to identify their finds.

Available at: NWT Cley Marshes, NWT Hickling Broad, NWT Ranworth Broad

Key words: Freshwater, habitat, invertebrate, life cycle, food chain, prey, predator, biodiversity

Environmental games

Young people are encouraged to use their senses and their imagination to learn about the natural world through play. Games can be either terrestrial or marine themed.

Available at: NWT Cley Marshes, NWT Foxley Wood, NWT Hickling Broad, NWT Holme Dunes, NWT Ranworth Broad, NWT Roydon Common, West Runton Beach

Key words: Adaptation, behaviour, echolocation, predator, prey

Fascinating fossils

Explore the fascinating ancient history of the beach and geology at West Runton. Young people will learn how the climate and creatures have changed over time. They will have the opportunity to handle our fossil collection and learn what to look out for when searching for fossils.

Available at: West Runton Beach

Key words: Geology, erosion, evolution, adaptation, extinction

Habitat trail

An interactive introduction to the diverse habitats and species we manage our sites for. Young people will explore and immerse themselves in the natural world using their senses on a tour of the nature reserve.

Available at: NWT Cley Marshes, NWT Foxley Wood, NWT Hickling Broad, NWT Holme Dunes, NWT Roydon Common, NWT Ranworth Broad, NWT Thompson Common, NWT Thorpe Marshes

Key words: Habitat, adaptation, behaviour, species, life cycle, camouflage, prey, predator, conservation, biodiversity

Miraculous minibeasts

A chance for young people to investigate the fascinating world of terrestrial invertebrates, using the techniques and equipment scientists use. Pupils will be encouraged to empathise with other organisms and understand the importance of every species.

Available at: NWT Foxley Wood, NWT Hickling Broad, NWT Holme Dunes, NWT Ranworth Broad, NWT Roydon Common, NWT Thompson Common, NWT Thorpe Marshes

Key words: Habitat, food chain, ecosystem, species, life cycle, camouflage, prey, predator, biodiversity, pollination, decomposers

Plant detectives

Discover the extraordinary lives of plants by exploring their life cycles and how species vary between habitats within the local environment. Young people will identify the many things plants do for us and learn how important biodiversity is to our lives.

Available at: NWT Hickling Broad, NWT Holme Dunes, NWT Ranworth Broad

Key words: Habitat, life cycle, adaptation, seed dispersal, pollination, biodiversity

Rockpool rummaging

This session explores the rare rockpool habitat and dependent rocky shore species at West Runton. Young people will learn how species have adapted to live in the sea and on land in one of the harshest and most changeable habitats.

Available at: West Runton Beach

Key words: Habitat, adaptation, camouflage, predator, prey, sustainability, biodiversity, life cycle, North Sea


Youth group leaders lead this session. This session can be incorporated as part of a visit with other NWT-led sessions.

Available at: NWT Cley Marshes, NWT Foxley Wood, NWT Hickling Broad, NWT Holme Dunes, NWT Roydon Common, NWT Ranworth Broad, NWT Thompson Common, NWT Thorpe Marshes

Nature detectives

Young people get to see our box of natural history treasures and learn about the animals they belong to, before investigating their own surroundings for evidence of wildlife. Depending on the number of young people and notice provided, this session can also incorporate owl pellet dissection.

Available at: NWT Cley Marshes, NWT Hickling Broad

Key words: Habitat, adaptation, mammals, invertebrates, species, life cycle, camouflage, prey, predator, hibernation, identification, conservation, biodiversity

Wild art

Wild art is inspired by the work of artists, such as Andy Goldsworthy, who create pieces in the landscape using natural materials. Young people will explore the concept of sustainability and create their own temporary artworks made from found natural materials, with habitats and wildlife as their inspiration and background.

Available at: NWT Cley Marshes, NWT Hickling Broad, NWT Holme Dunes, NWT Roydon Common, NWT Ranworth Broad, NWT Thorpe Marshes, West Runton Beach

Key words: Sustainability, habitat, texture, conservation, species, materials

A young person with shoulder length brown hair and an earring in their right ear, wearing a red jacket, looks through binoculars at an area of marsh

Young person birdwatching at Hickling (credit: Meg Watts)


We visit you

The day usually starts with a brief introduction, before going on to do the sessions you have selected from the list below. Please note: depending on the session, it may be useful to have an outdoor space, e.g. for 'Pollinator power'.

Environmental games

A session full of different games, designed for children to use their senses and their imagination to learn about wildlife diversity and adaptations through play.

Key words: Adaptation, behaviour, echolocation, predator, prey

Fascinating fossils

An adapted, hands-on version of our popular West Runton-based fossils workshop. This session will explore how fossils are formed, what they tell us about our past, and why Norfolk is such a special place for fossil hunting. As part of the session, we’ll bring along our impressive fossil collection for the children to look at.

Key words: Geology, erosion, evolution, adaptation, extinction

Lost words

'The Lost Words' book by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris celebrates nature words, such as acorn, willow and kingfisher, which were more commonly used in the past. Using the book as inspiration, we encourage children to explore creative writing through nature exploration word games and wild art activities.

Key words: Verb, adjective, adverb, simile, metaphor, creative expression

Magical marine

A session focusing on our special North Sea habitats and wildlife. Children will explore the species diversity and the challenges for our marine wildlife through real artefacts, thought-provoking activities and games.

Key words: Habitat, North Sea, adaptation, camouflage, predator, prey, sustainability, biodiversity, life cycle

Nature detectives

Young people get to see our box of natural history treasures, and learn about the animals they belong to, before investigating their own surroundings for evidence of wildlife. Depending on the number of children and notice provided, this session can also incorporate owl pellet dissection.

Key words: Habitat, adaptation, mammals, invertebrates, species, life cycle, camouflage, prey, predator, hibernation, identification, conservation, biodiversity

Pollinator power

A session which champions our small but mighty minibeasts! Children will investigate what invertebrates exist in their group's setting and take part in games and activities to learn about the importance of pollination and what we can do to help our pollinators.

Key words: Habitat, food chain, ecosystem, species, life cycle, camouflage, pollination, decomposers, prey, predator, biodiversity

Wild art

A session which encourages young people to take a closer look at their environment and engage with it creatively; to see colours, shapes and textures, in their group's setting and create ephemeral works of art using natural materials.

Key words: Sustainability, habitat, texture, materials, conservation, species

A child in a pink jacket with long blonde hair and a child in a black cap dissect owl pellets on a white plate

Owl pellet dissection (credit: NWT)



Please be aware that the minimum number of children for all NWT guided and outreach visits is 10. Accompanying youth group staff go free of charge.

Groups (home education, youth and uniform groups) Cost

You visit us*

*Costs only applicable to main visit sites. Booking is essential for all types of visit.

£3 + VAT per child per session (boat trip £5 + VAT)

Minimum charge for NWT guided visit = £60 + VAT


Self-guided reserve visit = £1 + VAT per child/young person

Boat trip + self-guided reserve visit = £6 + VAT per child/young person

We visit you

Half day = £60 + VAT

Full day = £100 + VAT



Book now

If you would like to book a visit with us, please complete the below booking form.

If you have any queries about booking a visit, please email us at

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