Wilder Schools Angel Road session 1 bug hunting (credit: NWT)
Plan your visit
What to expect
We offer a menu of hands-on and engaging sessions led by our NWT Wilder Learning Officers, which you can select from to design a visit suitable to the learning needs and interests of your young people. Visits are available in a half-day or full-day format.
Depending on your total group size, the location, and the activities you would like to do, it will be necessary to split your group into smaller groups to rotate around the different activities over the course of your visit.
Different sites offer specific sessions, with each session lasting approximately an hour. These are adapted to the age and ability of your group.
All the specialist equipment you need will be provided to make your trip as easy and stress-free as possible.
When booking a visit, you will be sent an information pack as part of your booking confirmation. This document contains site-specific details, roles and responsibilities information, and risk assessments.
Self-guided visits are also possible for part of or the whole of your visit. Please be aware that self-guided visits or sessions do not have any NWT Wilder Learning Officer input.
Download an example visit timetable here to get an idea of how your day might look:

Children attending a pellet workshop (credit: NWT)
Health and safety and safeguarding
All our sessions are designed to be as safe as possible without diminishing their 'hands-on' value.
All activities are risk assessed and risk assessments will be sent out with booking confirmation.
All NWT Wilder Learning staff are first aid trained and have Enhanced Disclosure DBS clearance.
You will need to ensure you have at least one member of staff to accompany each sub-group of children / young people during your visit. The overall responsibility for discipline and safety remains with the visiting group staff at all times.
See our safeguarding commitment statement
Pre-visit information
Whichever sessions you plan to do, we advise conducting a pre-visit to familiarise yourself with the site of your visit.
Our pre-visit PowerPoints below are designed to help prepare your young people for their visit. Each presentation introduces Norfolk Wildlife Trust, the site, key words, and other useful information, such as what to wear and waste-free lunch suggestions, to ensure your young people get the most out of the visit.