
NWT Cley Marshes landscape

NWT Cley Marshes (credit: Richard Osbourne)


Our governance

Norfolk Wildlife (NWT) Trust is a registered charity (no 208734) founded in 1926. It is also a private company limited by guarantee (no 217388). 

Our governing document is the Memorandum and Articles of Association, last updated and adopted at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in October 2021.  

Download our Memorandum and Articles of Association

Council and trustees

Our governing body is the Council of Trustees, comprising the Trustees (the Company Directors) who have full decision-making authority on behalf of the Charity’s members. The charity has a number of committees and working groups. The Trustees and members of the Committee are all volunteers. 

The Council of Trustees is elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Council Members are elected for a determined period and serve as trustees of the charity and directors under the Companies Act. The Council may co-opt trustees for a specific purpose.  
The Council of Trustees shall comprise of up to a maximum number of 12, and not below a minimum number of 8, plus the Honorary Treasurer. Members of the Trust can be co-opted by the Council (Co-opted Trustees) as long as the aggregate of Trustees, Treasurer and Co-opted Trustees does not exceed 15. 
The Trust may appoint a President, Deputy-President and Vice-Presidents. These offices are honorary, elected at the AGM, but they are not members of the Council, unless otherwise elected or co-opted for a specific purpose. 

Learn more about Trustees

Committees and working groups

The Council of Trustees has established specialist committees and specific working groups to help carry out the work of the charity. 

At all meetings of the Council and Committees, if any of those present have a possible conflict of interest it is declared and, if necessary, they would be excluded from Council business in relation to the matter. 

Working Groups are time-limited and tend to relate to strategic priorities and developments. 

Finance, Audit and Risk Group

The Finance, Audit and Risk Group advises the Council on matters relating to the financial management of the charity and its investments and other assets.  It reviews performance and determines the remuneration of the CEO And Strategic Leadership Team, and, following recommendations by the CEO and Strategic Leadership Team, considers and reviews annual pay awards and other benefits to all staff. 

Governance Review Group

The Governance Review Group considers changes in regulations and current guidance to advise the Council to enable best practices to be implemented. 

Nominations Group

The Nominations Group manages the process of Trustee recruitment and succession planning, ensuring the required mixture of skills and experience is included on the Trustee Board. 

Annual report and finances

We report annually to the Charity Commission and to Companies House. Our accounts are independently audited and formally adopted at the Annual General Meeting, which usually takes place in November. 

We produce a statutory Annual Report and Accounts and also a summary document is made available to our membership and other interested parties. 

Download our summary Annual Report and Accounts 2023/24