Wilder landscapes

A field of grasses and purple flowers with trees in the background

Jon Hawkins – Surrey Hills Photography

Wilder landscapes

The UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world. From meadows and woodlands to birds and flowers, our natural world is struggling. That’s why our vision is for a better, wilder future for Norfolk’s wildlife.  

To achieve our ambitions for nature’s recovery, we must take significant action across the county. Through leadership and collaboration, working with land managers and other partners, we will ensure that Norfolk’s landscapes are transformed to include many more significant and connected spaces for nature. 

Our Wilder Landscapes programme will include: 

  • Delivering the enhancement, restoration and creation of thousands of hectares of high-value habitats for wildlife that will be sustained into the future. 

  • Improving habitat connectivity across Norfolk’s landscapes. 

  • Promoting a thriving wider environment for species and habitats.