Renew your membership

A female mallard duck swims on a lake, with a group of fluffy ducklings swimming behind her

An adult female keeps her ducklings close on a tranquil lake at dawn (credit: Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION)

Renew your membership

Renew your Norfolk Wildlife Trust membership

Thank you for choosing to renew your membership! It is thanks to members like you that we are able to work together across Norfolk to ensure our wildlife and wild places can thrive for years to come. From creating new habitats in reserves to educating the next generation, acting on behalf of Norfolk's nature would be impossible without our loyal members.

Thank you for renewing online. Please note you will need to enter all your details, as our website does not currently enable us to give you access to your current membership database record to confirm or change existing details. If you would prefer to renew over the phone, you can call us on 01603 625540.

To renew a gift membership, please click here.

Please choose your membership option below to proceed.

Select your membership type

An close-up image of a hedgehog surrounded by orange autumnal leaves.


Membership for one adult
An image of a pair of avocets flapping their wings above a body of water.


Membership for 2 adults. Posting to one address only.
A woman and child play outside on a rainy day, looking at a tree branch together

Family - 1 Adult

Membership for 1 adult and all children (up to age 16) with Wildlife Watch club mailings
2 adults and 2 children enjoying themselves walking out in nature. The children are running down a small hill while the adults hold hands.

Family - 2 Adults

Membership for 2 adults and all children (up to age 16) with Wildlife Watch club mailings
An image of three little owls perched next to each other on a piece of wood.

3 Adults

Membership for 3 adults. Posting to one address only.
An image of four brown hares silhouetted on a flat landscape.

4 Adults

Membership for 4 adults. Posting to one address only.
Many crane are silhouetted against an evening sky, above bare Winter trees.

Family - 3 Adults

Membership for 3 adults and all children (up to age 16) with Wildlife Watch club mailings
Four pink-footed geese in flight over Norfolk

Family - 4 Adults

Membership for 4 adults and all children (up to age 16) with Wildlife Watch club mailings
A small field vole with large whiskers sitting on some green moss.


Individual Student membership. No monthly subscription available.