Wilder Communities - Managing planted woodlands with wildlife in mind

A green Honeypot Wood, with trees and bushes filling the ground

Honeypot Wood (credit: Richard Osbourne)

Wilder Communities - Managing planted woodlands with wildlife in mind

Acle War Memorial Recreation Centre, Acle War Memorial Recreation Centre, Acle, NR13 3RA, Acle, Norfolk, NR13 3RA
A workshop on how to manage woodland with nature in mind.

Event details


10:00am - 1:00pm
A static map of Wilder Communities - Managing planted woodlands with wildlife in mind

About the event

Have you planted a woodland and are wondering what to do next, or have a dark, uniformly aged woodland that you would like to improve for wildlife? This workshop will explain how to vary the structure and features in a woodland to encourage diversity.

This workshop is part of a programme specially designed to support individuals, communities and groups acting for nature in their local area. Workshops for a Wilder Community are delivered with the kind support of Siemens Energy. View the full programme here.

Siemens energy logo


Please contact us at events@norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk if you have any specific needs or requirements in order to make your experience of this event more enjoyable.

Additional information

Refund policy

Tickets are non-refundable unless the event or activity is cancelled by Norfolk Wildlife Trust. In the event that Norfolk Wildlife Trust has to cancel an event or activity due to low numbers, extreme weather conditions or other circumstances beyond our control, we will inform you at the earliest opportunity and will offer a full refund. Please check our website www.norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk for event updates.