General Election 2024

Swallowtail butterflies flying over purple flowers

Swallowtail butterflies (credit: Henry Page)

Get ready to speak up for Norfolk’s nature  

General Election 2024

This General Election is arguably the most important event of the summer for wildlife. Norfolk’s nature, our beautiful landscape, our agricultural economy, and our people’s health are increasingly threatened by climate change, by land-use pressures and by unsustainable development. We have a clear plan of action for the next UK government to defend and restore nature – and we need your help to get the message across.  

Our simple email action can help you find all your local candidates and send them a personal message. We’ve set up your email so it can include some facts and information about the state of nature near you, and you can share your own views about why a healthy environment is so important.   

Tell candidates you care about nature.

 Send an email today 

We’ve written a ‘Plan for Nature,’ which sets out three key priorities - three things which government must do to give nature a fighting chance – and ensure wildlife is abundant and thriving in Norfolk. We are sharing our Plan with all Prospective Parliamentary Candidates asking them to pledge their support and commit to championing the actions needed for nature’s recovery. Our CEO, Eliot Lyne, will also be meeting with local candidates to convince them of nature’s urgent needs.    

We are asking Prospective Parliamentary Candidates and parties in Norfolk to help us realise this vision and support our three priorities for nature.  

Read our full Plan for Nature in Norfolk

Restore Nature Now 5.2

Restore Nature Now 5.2 (credit: The Wildlife Trusts)

Restore Nature Now

Join us at the Restore Nature Now March in London on 22 June at a peaceful, family-friendly demonstration of tens of thousands of nature lovers.   

More information

What else can I do? 

Spread the word

At a hustings event, on the doorstep or via social media, ask your candidate about their plans for nature and ask them to pledge their support for our three priorities.   

Vote with nature in mind

The Wildlife Trust has done a roundup of all the main party manifestos and how they relate to nature. Check them out so you can vote with nature in mind.   

Display our poster in your window

Put up our ‘Nature, Who Cares?’ poster at home to show local candidates that nature is important to you. On the back there are three questions you can ask candidates when they come knocking. 

General election poster that says 'Nature, who cares?'

Our three priorities for nature

A bee flying towards a yellow flower

Bee (credit: Steve Evans)

Bring back Norfolk's wildlife

One in six species is at risk of extinction in the UK. Norfolk is no exception. Our wealth of varied habitat supports 417 Priority Species, which urgently need our help. To halt and reverse the collapse of our natural world, we need the government to put nature into recovery by protecting and restoring at least 30% of land and water for nature by 2030. We have the means to do this, and now it’s time for action.  

How can the government achieve this?

Protect what we already have

Prevent further habitat loss by ensuring new development both protects and enhances nature. This includes rethinking our approach to sustainable transport and abandoning the current proposal for the Norwich Western Link Road.

Improve what we already have

Increase funding for protection and restoration of our most precious habitats such as meadows, ancient woodlands, chalk rivers and heaths.

Create more space for nature

Increase national funding for wildlife-friendly farming to at least £4.4 billion per year2 and link this to Local Nature Recovery Strategy Priorities to ensure the agricultural transition is fair to farmers and better for wildlife, while providing healthier and more affordable food for all.

Connect wild spaces

Improve funding and protection for simple features such as hedgerows and farm ponds at landscape-scale within our farmed landscape.

Prioritise pollinators

To save the future of insects, and all life that depends on them, halve pesticide use by 2030 and ban bee-killing and human-health-harming neonicotinoids.

Integrate climate change in policy

Help nature adapt to climate change by integrating climate change across all UK Government policies.

Water vole holding a blade of grass beside a river

Water vole (credit: Terry Whittaker)

End river pollution and tackle water scarcity 

Toxic levels of sewage and agricultural run-off, unsustainable groundwater abstraction and damage to our wetland landscape has left our rivers in desperate need of help. Norfolk has over 420km of chalk rivers and streams but the health of these world-renowned habitats is at great risk. If we want healthy rivers, then action must be taken.

How can government achieve this?

Halve nutrient pollution from farming, sewage and development by 2030

With incentives for farmers and investment in removing nutrients from sewage as well as properly resourcing enforcement agencies so they can monitor and inspect polluters and enforce penalties upon those who break the law.

Invest in creating and repairing wild habitats

To provide a natural solution to flooding and drought, which will protect people’s homes and businesses, and improve water quality.

Invest in a holistic approach to managing water resources in Norfolk

To ensure that there is enough water for nature, people, farming and business. Norfolk has over 420km of chalk rivers and streams but the health of these world-renowned habitats is at great risk.

A family at Sweet Briar

A family at Sweet Briar 

Let nature help

Spending time in nature boosts physical and mental health, and healthy habitats protect us from the impacts of climate change, boost our food security and underpin our economic prosperity. We must ensure that everyone has fair and equal access to restorative natural places in their neighbourhood (such as our new urban nature reserve at Sweet Briar Marshes in Norwich), and that natural solutions are implemented at scale across every community.  

How can the government achieve this?

Fund and integrate green prescribing

Fund and integrate green prescribing into health and social care services in the community.

Improve access to nature for all

By connecting landscapes with people and increasing green and blue spaces in urban areas so that everyone is within 15 minutes’ walk of high-quality natural space.

Introduce new statutory guidance to deliver natural history and outdoor learning for all

Introduce new statutory guidance to deliver natural history and outdoor learning for all, to ensure our schools support happier, more confident children who understand their impact on our natural world.

Prioritise natural flood mitigation solutions

Prioritise natural flood mitigation solutions to help protect communities and natural sites from the impacts of flooding.