The Government must stand up for nature!

The Government must stand up for nature!

Restore Nature Now march 2024 (credit: Josie Collins)

We're calling on residents to join us in making sure nature is a top priority this General Election.

We have produced a Plan for Nature called Norfolk Nature, Who Cares? which sets out key priorities and actions the next government must take to halt and reverse the collapse of the natural world – and ensure nature is thriving and abundant.

The plan demands action is taken to achieve three priorities: ‘Restore Norfolk’s Nature’, ‘End river pollution and water scarcity’, and ‘Let nature help’ – the role nature plays in wellbeing, food security, climate change and the economy.

We are sharing our plan with all Prospective Parliamentary Candidates asking them to pledge their support and commit to championing the actions needed for nature’s recovery. We have also created an easy online action that will allow you to send an email to your local candidates to tell them why nature matters to you.

Our CEO, Eliot Lyne, says: “As one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries, the actions of the UK’s incoming Government will be key in turning nature’s fortunes around. We know that abundant and thriving nature helps us to prosper, from providing our quality of life to supporting industries important to Norfolk including farming and tourism.

“We’re out there meeting with as many election candidates as we can to encourage them to support our Plan for Nature. And we’ve put together resources to help you let your local candidates know how much nature matters to you too.

“If we all take just a few minutes to speak up for wildlife, we really can create change. I’ve already met candidates who say that nature issues are coming up on the doorstep, so our voices are cutting through.”

Representatives from Norfolk Wildlife Trust, alongside members and supporters joined more than 60,000 people and over 350 charities, businesses and action groups to march through central London to parliament at the weekend. They had one simple but powerful message to all the UK’s political parties – they must Restore Nature Now.

We are calling on all political parties to help realise our vision of A Wilder Norfolk for All by taking action to:

Bring back Norfolk’s nature - one in six species is at risk of extinction in the UK. Norfolk is no exception. Our wealth of varied habitat supports 417 Priority Species, which urgently need our help.

To halt and reverse the collapse of our natural world, we need the government to put nature into recovery by protecting and restoring at least 30% of land and water for nature by 2030. We have the means to do this, and now it’s time for action.

End river pollution and water scarcity - Toxic levels of sewage and agricultural run-off, unsustainable groundwater abstraction and damage to our wetland landscape has left our rivers in desperate need of help. Norfolk has over 420km of chalk rivers and streams but the health of these world-renowned habitats is at great risk. If we want healthy rivers, then action must be taken.

Let nature help – Spending time in nature boosts physical and mental health, and healthy habitats protect us from the impacts of climate change, boost our food security and underpin our economic prosperity. We must ensure that everyone has fair and equal access to restorative natural places in their neighbourhood (such as our new urban nature reserve at Sweet Briar Marshes in Norwich), and that natural solutions are implemented at scale across every community. 

More information on our Plan for Nature and how to take action can be found at: