Farm wildlife advice

Meandering road running through rural Norfolk in the summer, with lush green hedgerows and fields in bloom in the distance.

credit M Watson

Farm wildlife advice

Norfolk Wildlife Trust’s Wilder Landscapes Advisers work with farmers and land managers across Norfolk to encourage, support and develop wildlife-friendly management – helping to create more space for nature. 

Over 70% of Norfolk’s land is farmed and this means farmers have a crucial role to play in helping nature’s recovery across the county.   

Norfolk has a wide variety of farming systems which simultaneously provide us with food, whilst also supporting wildlife. The traditional patchwork of farm hedgerows, woodlands, scrub, ponds, meadows and crops are vital for wildlife, and must be preserved, restored and celebrated. 

Our Wilder Landscapes Advisers offer free initial site visits during which they will provide information on how to manage your land with wildlife in mind, as well as signposting or helping you to secure funding for nature-friendly initiatives.  

Two people seen from the waist down, digging with spades. They have waterproof clothing, gloves and wellie boots on.

Digging with a spade (credit: Katrina Martin)

Get in touch

If you would like to find out how we can help your farm, please contact:  

Ben Newton, NWT Wilder Landscapes Adviser, 

If you own or manage land, we can help you support Norfolk’s wildlife by:

  • Providing advice and guidance on how to maximise the quality of existing wildlife-friendly habitats on your land including ponds, hedges, grassland, woodland, field margins and buffers 

  • Supporting you to create and restore ponds on your land via Natural England’s District Level Licensing fully funded scheme 

  • Support you to create and enhance meadows on your land, including as part of stewardship schemes 

  • Working with you to develop and deliver large-scale habitat creation projects 

We also work with farm cluster groups and landscape recovery projects, providing training, advice and support to help you maximise the benefits to wildlife your group or project can achieve. Learn more about how we can help below.

Farm wildlife advice news and blogs