Restore nature now

Restore Nature Now 5.2

Restore Nature Now 5.2 (credit: The Wildlife Trusts)

Restore Nature Now

On Saturday 22 June, one of the largest-ever gatherings of nature and climate supporters is being held in London - Restore Nature Now.  

Book a seat on our coach

The Wildlife Trusts is 1 of 11 delivery organisations, and Norfolk Wildlife Trust is 1 of over 150 supporting organisations. The event is expected to draw together thousands of people from all across the UK to call on all political parties to take urgent action to restore nature and tackle climate change. The march also hopes to signal that the upcoming General Election must be a turning point for nature - before it is too late. 

The event has a serious message, but you can expect plenty of music, colour, face painting, puppets and perhaps even the odd badger costume or two! It will be an amazing opportunity to be with like-minded people and speak up about something we know you care deeply about. 

Some of our NWT team are choosing to join the gathering with The Wildlife Trusts' organised group. We would love for you to come along too if you wish, to either to join us or to march independently. We'll be in uniform, so you should be able to spot us.

  • When - Saturday 22 June 

  • Where – Park Lane to Westminster, London 

  • Time – march from 12:00, The Wildlife Trusts and other Wildlife Trusts are meeting at Grosvenor Chapel in Mayfair from 10:00 to 11:45. 

Find out more on the Wildlife Trusts' Website


Thinking about how to get to London? 

Norfolk Wildlife Trust have hired a coach and are offering subsidised tickets leaving from Norwich to London for staff, volunteers, members and supporters. Coach tickets cost from £10. 

Tickets will be offered on a first come, first served basis, so please book asap via Eventbrite.   

Please see our Q&A below, and if you have any questions about our involvement in the event, contact Sarah Eglington.  


Is Norfolk Wildlife Trust involved in the organisation of Restore Nature Now?

Norfolk Wildlife Trust is not involved in the organisation of Restore Nature Now. However, Restore Nature Now will be an inclusive demonstration and all are welcome to attend.  

The full list of official supporters can be found here  

Why is Norfolk Wildlife Trust supporting the Restore Nature Now event?

It’s no secret that wildlife across the UK is in trouble. With a General Election on the horizon all political parties must recognise their role in bringing nature back into everyone’s lives. We are supporting our staff, volunteers, members and supporters to attend Restore Nature Now to join our friends and partners to speak up for nature on the streets outside Parliament this June. 

How can I join NWT at the event?

Norfolk Wildlife Trust is providing subsidised coach tickets to take staff, volunteers, members and supporters to the event in London. To find out more and book tickets please visit our Eventbrite page. 

If you’d like to make your own way to the event, The Wildlife Trusts, including Norfolk Wildlife Trust, will be meeting from 11am – 11.45am outside Grosvenor Chapel in Park Lane. Look out for NWT branded people and banners and we’ll see you there!  

Will the event be safe for my family to attend?

The Restore Nature Now march will be a peaceful, inclusive and family-friendly event. 

Are you for or against a specific political party? 

The demonstration is not for or against any specific political party. Restore Nature Now is calling for action to protect nature and climate from ALL parties and candidates at the next election.  

Will the event be accessible? 

The event will be wheelchair accessible and BSL interpretation will be provided. For more information contact   

Is it legal?  

Restore Nature now will be a peaceful and legal protest and illegal activity will not be tolerated. The event organisers are working with the Met Police and authorities.  

For more information go to  

Who’s behind it? 

Restore Nature Now is being organised by a group of wildlife, nature and environmental organisations. A full list of co-ordinating organisations and wider supporters can be found at  

Who’s funding it? 

Funding for Restore Nature Now has been provided by a group of wildlife, nature and environmental groups and through a public crowdfunding campaign.  

A full list of our funding organisations can be found here

How can I find out more or get involved? 

To get involved and stay up to date with everything to do with Restore Nature Now go to: and sign-up. 

Restore Nature Now logo

Restore Nature Now logo