Independent Events Team Volunteer
Come and join our Independent Events Team in going out to events across the county to tell people more about the work of Norfolk Wildlife Trust, to run educational activities and to help with…
Come and join our Independent Events Team in going out to events across the county to tell people more about the work of Norfolk Wildlife Trust, to run educational activities and to help with…
Sphagnum mosses carpet the ground with colour on our marshes, heaths and moors. They play a vital role in the creation of peat bogs: by storing water in their spongy forms, they prevent the decay…
Ordinary moss is very common in gardens and woodlands. moss provides shelter for many minibeasts, so encourage it to grow in your garden by providing logs, stone piles and untidy areas.
Join our local entomologist Will Nash to find out more about the amazing insects that live on NWT Sweet Briar Marshes
Join our local entomologist Will Nash to find out more about the amazing insects that live on NWT Sweet Briar Marshes
The Common mussel is a familiar sight on shores all around the UK and is a favourite food of people, seabirds and starfish alike.
The marsh hair moss is the largest moss in the UK. Look out for it in damp woodland and on boggy heathlands where it forms large, green and spikey 'cushions'.
We're delighted to be opening our new Norwich nature reserve this weekend and holding a series of free events.