Wilder Schools

Three children use tools to build a nestbox in a playground

Wilder Schools Mile Cross session 5 (credit: NWT)

Wilder Schools

We are currently facing a biodiversity crisis and providing children with regular and meaningful opportunities to connect with nature has become more important than ever before.

What is Wilder Schools?

Launched in autumn 2023, our Wilder Schools pilot project is a three-year programme working with schools to enable children to connect with nature and care for wildlife in their school grounds. The pilot project is kindly funded by Friends of Holt Hall and our Children and Nature Fund.

Through nature-based, curriculum-linked sessions, our Wilder Schools programme aims to improve children's wellbeing and learning, and to empower school communities to maximise the biodiversity of their sites.

We are currently working with three Norfolk schools – Angel Road Junior School, Fairhaven Primary School and Mile Cross Primary School.

Programme outline

Below is a summary of the three-year programme. Please note: this is a guide and may vary slightly from school to school as each setting has different needs and interests.

Year 1 – Discovery and action planning

NWT Wilder Learning Officers deliver nine sessions with children from one year group, and three twilight sessions with school staff.

Session 1 – Baseline survey of school grounds

Session 2 – Developing a vision for school grounds

Session 3 – Focus on species and habitats selected

Session 4 – Raising awareness and fundraising

(Community awareness and fundraising event)

Session 5 – Implementing action session

Session 6 – Further implementing action session

Session 7 – Off-site visit to learn surveying skills

Session 8 – Monitoring changes in school grounds

Session 9 – Celebration day and next steps

Year 2 – Join Wilder Schools network and receive ongoing support

Termly meetings and additional support for school staff in setting and meeting outdoor learning goals.

Year 3 – Monitoring and review

Termly meetings with school staff to monitor and review progress.

Share experiences with other schools.

Logic model

See an overview of the benefits of the programme over the course of the three-year period for pupils, staff and nature.

Our Wilder Schools

Take a look at the work we have been doing with our three Wilder Schools. Click on each school to find out more.

Interested in becoming a Wilder School?

We are currently in the pilot phase of the project but we hope to roll the programme out to other schools in Norfolk soon.

If you are interested in becoming a Wilder School, please email us to express your interest: educationenquiries@norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk