Norfolk Wildlife Trust travels back to the Ice Age to support wildlife
Norfolk Wildlife Trust excavates rare 'ghost pingo' ponds dating back to the Ice Age to restore wildlife-rich habitat to Norfolk.
NWT Wildlife Spotter Survey
£210,000 boost for west Norfolk's wetland wildlife
Norfolk Wildlife Trust opens the new year with an exciting new project making vital improvements to rare wildlife-rich wetlands near Kings Lynn.
Norfolk Wildlife Trust and National Highways announce biodiversity boost
Norfolk Wildlife Trust and National Highways have joined forces to launch a new Network for Nature programme, with three projects that will improve habitats across Norfolk, benefitting people,…
Population of UK's tallest bird hits record-breaking high
The population of Common Cranes, the UK's tallest bird, has hit a record high according to the latest breeding survey results.
Norfolk's wildlife in November
What is a 'rare' bird? Our Reserves Officer reflects on some exciting Norfolk visitors, and gives his top tip for the month ahead.
Brown shrimp
The brown shrimp blends perfectly with its seabed home and is found all around the coasts of the UK.
Common cotton-grass
The fluffy, white heads of common cotton-grass dot our brown, boggy moors and heaths as if a giant bag of cotton wool balls has been thrown across the landscape!
Common skate
Despite its name, the "common" skate is not so common anymore. In fact, they are Critically Endangered.
Common seal
The smaller of our two UK seal species, common seals are also known as harbour seals. Despite being called "Common", they are actually less common than grey seals!
Global technology company in Diss invests in Norfolk's wildlife
One of the largest employers in South Norfolk has shown its support for Norfolk's nature by joining Norfolk Wildlife Trust's corporate members scheme this month.